Ch 39. Recovery Week 2 - Thursday

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Note: Thank you for feedback on the upcoming story! I read all the comments and you people just make me so happy and motived. Thanks for your support in me and this story. I honestly would have stopped writing if this wasn't interesting enough but I'm glad I didn't. Next chapter will be a bit messy! :0


Lena moves around lightly on (Y/N)'s bed. She knocked out like a light after the older CEO gave the woman some tea and a change of clothes before hitting the bed. (Y/N) didn't want to pressure the young Luthor into saying anything so she just took care of her as any friend should do.

(Y/N) held onto her when she fell asleep. She never left the young woman but she couldn't get herself to sleep. During the night, (Y/N) studied her facial features from her pale white cheeks to her sharp looking eyebrows and her plump pink lips. She thought about this woman's foolish actions with that guy, named Jack. I guess love makes you do foolish things, she thought to herself. Did Lena want to feel loved? To be loved?

Lena was waking up to her senses and remembered that she's not in her own penthouse. She didn't move right away because her sleepy eyes scanned the room and found the older woman sitting at the end of the bed with her tablet in hand. Lena moved her head to the side to see what she was looking at.

(Y/N) is reading the morning articles of Lena and Jack's make out session in front of the fancy restaurant they ate last night. The images of the two ex-lovers are as clear as the sky of National City. The damn photographers took plenty of close-up shots and pasted them on the front covers of their articles as a good attention grabber.

The CEO heard Lena moved in the bed and immediately locked her tablet screen. She placed the device on the side and looked back at the woman in her bed.

"Morning, beautiful."

"Morning." Lena says in a raspy voice. Her throat hurts a bit from all the moaning and crying.

(Y/N) stands up and grabs the tray on the drawer and walks over to Lena's side.

"I made you tea. But I think you should drink some painkillers first." (Y/N) hands over two pills and a cup of water. Lena pushes herself up and sits back against the headboard to take the medication.

After, Lena exchanges the water for the warm cup of tea. (Y/N) sits on the edge of where the raven haired woman lays. The young Luthor didn't know what to say or do. She's conflicted if she should explain herself on why she's here and why she was very tearful last night.

(Y/N) places a hand on Lena's thigh and looks at her.

"You don't need to explain why you're here. I'm just glad you came here knowing that you're safe." A sad smile projects from the older CEO. She gets back up again but Lena holds on to her hand that was placed on her thigh.

"Thank you." She managed to say.

"No problem. . . . Um. Sam called me. She's asking why you're not in the office yet. I told her that you have a minor hangover and that you'll be coming in late. I hope that's fine?"

Lena was about to reply but (Y/N)'s AI system cut their time short.

Incoming call from Jen Jordan. The ALICE AI says throughout the penthouse.

"Patch the call through my AirPods. Tell her I'll pick up soon."

Yes, Miss (Y/L/N). You also have a text from Kara Danvers.

"Thank you, Alice."

The older CEO looks back to the raven-haired woman, "I'll be downstairs if you need me. You can use my bathroom if you want to get ready to head to L-Corp. There's office clothes in there that are in your size. I had Alice send someone to pick up a quick fit for you. If you're not heading to the office then feel free to pick whatever comfortable clothing from my walk-in closet."

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