blankets and pillows | mark

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sultry, suggestive

a/n: part of my musings based on lyrics project

song: listen to "winter" by daughter

i have a feeling love's gone mad, we're too similar losing our minds with cabin fever, shut in confined spaces lost in the dark, my heart taken resting on your heart...

Winter has always been - and always will be - her favorite season. The days are darker. The blankets are warmer. The moods are heavier.

He's a summer boy. His body burns hotter than the surface of the sun. She melts like ice whenever he touches her. There are times when she pulls away the blankets and gasps for breath.

But he always drags her back inside with scalding fingers.

Just stay here with me forever, baby. Mark holds her in his arms where she belongs. Keep our bodies tangled together. Be one with me until our hearts give out.

The kisses on sweaty flesh are loud and wet. There isn't a part of her his lips have not yet met and tasted. He lingers on her breasts. Playing with his tongue and nipping with his teeth.

The storm rages outside. The power flickers, struggling to save the light.

Pile the blankets higher. Let's stay lost beneath them. He wrestles with her when restless, desperate to hear her laugh. The hunger always returns with a vengeance and their lust destroys the bed.

She sinks deep into the mattress, sleep threatening to close her eyes. How had she ever lived without him? Her body has never felt so fulfilled, so complete and whole. When he's inside her, he makes love to her soul.

The bedroom smells of burning heaters and hot sex. Gotta keep warm somehow, right?

Phones ring and chime with texts and updates. Please keep safe. The storm should quell soon.

Fuck them, Mark thinks with his head comfortably over her beating heart. I hope this damned blizzard never ends.

Is there a world outside of this bedroom? The hell if Mark knows. She is his world and he'll be damned if he ever leaves again. He's a lover, not a fighter, but he's ready to kill anyone that tries to take him from her.

No, this is where he belongs. Skin against skin, safe and sound and loved in her arms. The days of lonely sacrifice are long gone.

She whispers softly about the storm, praying a reprieve never comes. Don't make me leave this moment. She loves him to the point of madness. If she dies, at least they die together. How melodramatic. Lovers drowning in their pleasure lose all their reason, don't they?

Mother Nature is nothing if not generous. The snow piles high. The winds scream against the walls. Not the only one screaming, Mark muses with that devilish grin as he trails kisses down her stomach. You're not going anywhere anytime soon, my love.

Maybe winter isn't so bad, after all.

and we were in flames, i needed, i needed you to run through my veins...


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