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The view was magnificent; the crisp autumn breeze made the night cold. I enjoyed the view while sipping a glass of the most expensive champagne I could find on the menu.

I loved the feeling of bubbles on my tongue.

 I moved away from the window, turning to the hotel room's mirror. I was still dressed in my clothes from the office. I was overjoyed. I had just launched my new software company and had immediately taken off. I was an overnight sensation I couldn't wait to relish in my turn of fortune. 

Life was finally moving forward for little old me. Nothing could top the feeling I was having.

I heard the jiggling of the door handle, followed by a quick beep. My company is here. I excited turned around wide-eyed, expecting a warm, loving embrace, but I was met face to face with a masked man. 

He was tall. His slender body loomed near the doorway, getting closer and closer to me. My blood ran colder with every step. He chuckled lightly from under his strange hood. He lunged for me from across the room. I threw myself to the ground shattering my glass on the floor.

The sharp bits of glass pierced my skin. I jolted my head towards the masked man. He was standing again in the darkness of my room, watching me scrum.

'What do you want?'. I looked up at him from the ground teary-eyed, 'I'll give you money, I can get you a job, please just leave me alone.' I coughed slowly, positioning myself upwards. I looked at him again. He was motionless, like he didn't even hear what I said.

"Why are you here." I looked at the window for what I feared to be the last time. The wind slowly brushed my hair in my eyes.

He didn't answer. He walked closer to me. I slowly backed away, nervous, my arm behind my back the other in front to keep him away from me.

"Do you have kids"? I looked up to see if I could get a reaction out of him, he stopped walking forward, and he peered at the window. I heard a faint, muffled sigh coming from the attacker.

"So, you do." His head snapped back to my direction, "I have a child, a little girl, please whatever you want, just don't take me from her" I looked down at the knife he had pulled at a little early.

He had another muffed sigh and then charged at me again. This time I wasn't able to move quickly enough. He grabbed my hair and placed the knife near my stomach.

"Drop the wine glass." His voice was cold and distant, my tears began to fall, but I wouldn't let him win. I wouldn't let my little girl think her mum didn't try. I moved the glass cup from behind my back, and I used the scattered end to slash his face. He let out a scream and fall to the ground. I kicked him in the stomach. I quickly ran to the door, jumping over the bed. 

He had locked the front door. My hands were too slippery from all the blood to open it. I banged on the door, screaming, violently trying to force it open but to no avail. The masked man was slowly getting up again. I made a mad dash to the window, trying to break it, or at least trying to get someone's attention, anyone.

I felt cold metal pressed against my neck.

"Why did you have to make this so difficult." He whispered in my ear, with almost a faint trace of empathy.

"Because I told myself my daughter would want me to fight," I whispered with the tears once again, blurring my vision.

He faintly sighed yet again and then did it. My body went limp. I grabbed my neck, trying to stop the bleeding, my vision blurred from the tears. I heard the door creak open, the metallic taste fluid my mouth the white sheets on my bed were turning red all around me. I heard her laughter play again in my head one more time.

My mind was racing with memories, but they were all only about one person.


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