"Ohh. Well, now isn't the best time to really talk about this. I know it's late but I don't wanna risk the boys hearing us, it's not something I'm proud of."

She nodded. "I understand completely."

We continued on talking for a while longer until a half asleep Liam walked in.

"Early risers I see." He joked.

We all laughed.

"We bumped into each other down here a while ago."

"I see, well I think Zayn is looking for you."

Annette nodded.

"Well I think I'll go wake Niall up." I said getting up, following Annette.

Liam nodded, walking over to the fridge.

We ran upstairs parting at boys' doors. I slowly crept into Niall's room careful not to make too much noise. I slowly walked up to the bed, Niall looked so peaceful. I almost felt bad about waking him up. Almost.

I jumped on the bed, straddling him at the hips.


His eyes shot open in shock.

I smiled. "Good morning."

He rubbed his eye in an attempt to wake up. He squinted his eyes trying to adjust to the morning light. "Good morning love."

I smiled back pecking his cheek.

He yawned. "But was in necessary to attack me?"

I laughed. "What are we doing today?"

He shrugged. "I don't know? What's today?"

I thought for a minute. "Monday."

He pouted. "You go back to school tomorrow."

I nodded.

I don't want to go back to school. I wanna stay with Niall and the boys and Kelly. I love being around all of them, it feels so natural.

"You okay?"

I looked down at him and nodded.

He reached out for my waist gently pushing me off of him. He slowly rolled out of bed, towards the bathroom.

"Let me shower and we'll go out. Okay?"

I noddded walking towards the door.


I heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Andrea?"

"In the bathroom."

I heard footsteps approaching. Seconds later Niall popped his head in the doorway wearing blue jeans and a white V-neck along with black Vans. "Ready?"

I nodded. "Just let me get some shoes."

I walked over to my bag grabbing a pair of nude pumps, checking myself in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a thin royal blue long sleeve tucked into a pair of khaki high waisted shorts with a thin black belt.


I nodded walking over to the dresser grabbing my glasses.

"What are we doing today?"

He shrugged. "I'm not sure? You pick today."

"Alright, but food first. I'm starving."

He laughed walking towards the door.

"Should I call one of the boys or do you wanna go alone?"

I shrugged. "I don't know? I don't wanna risk being seen, but if we call the guys we draw more attention to ourselves."

I Promise. Niall Horan Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now