Chapter 8

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Later that night... 

I sat in bed unable to sleep. I glanced over at the clock on my nightstand. The time read 4:09 AM I've been laying awake in bed for hours. My inability to stop thinking is keeping me up.

I was thinking about Niall. I don't know what it is about him that drives me crazy, but I love it. His perfect blue eyes, his smile, his laugh. Just about everything.

Tonight I ended up sleeping in my room. Niall had gone up to bed as soon as we got home from dinner, while I stayed downstairs watching a movie with Liam. I felt uncomfortable just walking into his room so I figured it would be a great time to try out my bed.

I was wrong, this bed is horrible and this room is freezing.

After tossing and turning for another hour I finally gave up on sleep. I decided to go down and explore the kitchen a little. All this laying around was making me hungry.

I slowly got out of bed, making the least about of noise possible. I stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath I opened the door stepping outside.

The hardwood floors squeaked every now and then, but it was nothing too bad. I was extra careful on the stairs, making sure to hold onto the railing taking very small steps.

Once I finally made it to the kitchen I turned on the lights.

I looked around opening the cabinets and drawers. Scanning the counter top, opening the fridge and freezer.

All I found was junk. Nothing even remotely appetizing.

I decided on a few bars of fruits and nuts. They were actually pretty good.

I sat up on the counter with the box and a bottle of cold water.

I was happily munching away on my little bars of nutty heaven when I heard footsteps approaching. I turned around to find Annette standing in the doorway.

We smiled at each other.

She walked over to the counter across from me and sat down.

"Can't sleep either?" She asked in a hushed tone.

I nodded, unable to speak. I took a sip of water before speaking. "Yea, I've been up for hours. Are you hungry?"

She nodded.

I smiled handing her the box of bars.

We happily sat in silence for a few minutes, while munching away at our snack.

She suddenly spoke catching my attention. "What are the odds."

I nodded taking another bite.

"How are you?" She asked seemingly genuine.

"Good, things are better now. What about you?"

She took another bite.

"I got my own place, and a new job. Everything is better now."

"I'm glad you're okay. It's great to see you again, you look so much better."

"What about you? Your mom."

I shrugged. "Ehh. It's different, I just wish it was better."

She nodded indicating she understood. "I was actually thinking about you the other day."

I cocked my head to the side. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yea, I actually bumped into one of the girls at the supermarket and we got to talking and your name came up."

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