"What kinds of things?"

"I can handle pasta, bread, occasionally pizza although the sauce gives me heartburn, I had pickles and ice cream once that wasn't so bad"

Mickey on the other hand looked disgusted, how the hell could anyone stomach that shit? As long as he was eating and getting something on his stomach, he didn't care.

The doctor was writing the stuff down.

"Why don't we get you propped up on the bed to do an ultrasound and see what's going on"

Ian laid up on the bed and lifted his shirt up Mickey stood right next to him taking his hand. Willis had squirted the gel on his stomach he then turned the machine on and grabbed the wand. He put the wand on Ian's stomach and started to move it.

"Alright now let's see what we have here"

Moving the wand around he had spotted something. Two things. "Huh this is quite odd"

"What is it?" They both asked curious and worried.

"If I'm seeing this right, either Mr. Gallagher has two tumors or...He's pregnant with what looks like twins"

"Um doc, my husband is a guy. Ya know, dick, balls, man parts. He can't get pregnant. Especially with twins" Mickey spoke.

"Let me go check your results"

He wiped the gel off Ian's stomach and left the room closing the door, Ian sat up not believing the sonogram.

"I...I could be pregnant. With twins" Ian said in disbelief.

"I don't know how this is even fucking possible" Mickey spoke. "You're a guy. You have a dick, you have balls. Not the proper equipment to have a kid"

"What are we gonna do if I am pregnant?"

Mickey took his hand into his and squeezed. "We'll get through this together. In sickness and in health remember. I'm gonna be right here by your side. Just don't pull any sappy shit on me"

The redhead chuckled. "It won't be me if it's true" He looked down at his stomach then back at Mickey. "Do you think we can do it? Can we actually be parents?"

"I know we can be. We'll be better parents than our own. Nobody won't ever hurt you or our kids. Not with me around"

Ian had the biggest smile on his face, what had he done to deserve a husband that was so caring, loyal, and protective? He loved Mickey with his whole heart, he was planning on getting a tattoo of Mickey's name and their wedding day on his chest but he may have to put that on hold.

"I love you Mickey"

"I love you too my jolly green giant"

They both chuckled as the doctor came in with the results. "Mr. Gallagher, according to these tests results and urine sample. You are pregnant. And from the sonogram you're having twins"

The newlyweds looked at each other shocked. Ian was pregnant with twins. They were gonna have a family.

The doctor prescribed some prenatals and something to help with Ian's morning sickness. After filling both the couple went home still trying to process everything. The two arrived and thankfully nobody was home, they went straight to their room and closed the door. Ian had his eyes locked on the sonogram, he saw the two little blobs that were his and Mickey's babies.

Mickey came back with the prenatal vitamin and some water. "Here's you're vitamin"

"Thanks Nurse Mickey"

"Shut the fuck up bitch"

He took the vitamin and downed the water. Mickey picked up the sonogram and stared at it. "This is....really happening"

"Yes it is. Were having two babies"

"If one or both is a girl, no dating. Not till we're dead and in the ground"

Ian couldn't help but chuckle. "Why don't we wait a few years before that happens"

"I'll polish the guns every year and test them"

The redhead chuckled and shook his head. "You're gonna be a lot of fun when they're older. I do have something in mind. If one is a boy, we can name him MJ. Mickey Jr"

"You want a mini me running around?"

He smiled. "Why not? He'll be half me too"

"MJ does have a nice ring to it. Alright if we have at least one boy, his name will be MJ. If we have a girl, I like Nova"

"Beautiful name"

"Alright you need to rest"

Ian laid back on the bed and Mickey laid next to him. Ian fell right to sleep laying on his husband's chest, Mickey laid awake keeping a protective eye on him. He noticed his husband had a protective hand on his stomach, a smile creeped onto his face. Gently he placed his hand next to his husband's. Using his free hand he played with Ian's red hair.

After what seemed like forever it finally had sunk in for Mickey, he and Ian were gonna be parents. They were gonna have a little family of their own. From that day forth he swore he would not be his father. He'll be ten times better than his father. He won't ever force his children to hide who they are. They wouldn't have to fear of getting beat for anything. His children would be safe, loved, cared for, and protected.

As Mickey fell asleep he muttered something. "Thank you for giving me everything I could ever ask for"


This is my first MPreg story, I've written some ideas with a friend. I will also be co writing this with a friend as well. I hope you all enjoy!

Adventures Of The Gallavich FamilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon