Untitled Part 3

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A few months had passed, Ian was now 6 months pregnant with the twins and he showed it. He knew his job was stressful at times so he had gone on leave until after the babies were born. He also had stopped taking his bipolar meds for the duration of the pregnancy, he didn't wanna do anything to hurt his kids.

Mickey had always been protective of his husband, he grew more protective since he became pregnant. Nothing and he meant nothing would happen to his family. If he even caught a whiff of his father being around he'd take Terry out in a heartbeat.

Late one night Mickey was asleep, Ian couldn't sleep. He looked at his big stomach and rubbed it. The redhead smiled when he felt a kick. "You two are being very active tonight. Could you please settle down so Papa can sleep"

Turning Mickey blindly looked to see his husband. "What's wrong?"

"You're kids won't let me sleep"

"Why are they my kids?" He gave a small tease.

Ian gave a smile and a chuckle. "They're yours because it was you're dick that put them there. They're very active and won't let me sleep"

Putting a gentle hand on his husband's stomach he started to rub it. "Hey now you two, you've been quiet half of the day. Settle down so you're Papa can rest"

"I think they're hungry Mick"

Looking at the clock the clock flashed, 1:45 am, he sighed. The past few months Ian had gotten the most random and weirdest cravings at different times.

"What do they want tonight?"

"Chicken strips with ranch and peanut butter. And Mozzarella sticks. Oh onion rings as well"

"You best be fuckin' lucky I love you. You and you're weird ass cravings"

"You're the best husband ever"

"Yeah yeah"

Ian propped himself up, he hadn't told his husband but lately he'd been having dizzy spells, his hands and feet have been unusually swollen more than usual, he'd been getting more headaches, he'd get real short of breath. He shrugged it off as nothing. Most likely normal symptoms of pregnancy he thought.

He hated lying and hiding things but he didn't wanna worry his husband over nothing. If it was becoming something else then he'd tell him but for now he wouldn't.

After a few minutes Mickey had come back with his husband's food, he kept the ranch and peanut butter on the side. The redhead saw him coming back smiling.

"The best husband ever"

"Yeah yeah. Here's your food and you're dips. How the hell do you even eat that shit together?"

"You're kids let me eat it"

"When were you gonna tell me you got shit wrong with you?"

In the middle of eating an onion ring Ian had stopped. He found out. But how?

"I don't know what you mean Mick"

"Ian, don't start that shit. You've been getting sicker lately, hell you dam near passed out today, you've been getting headaches like crazy. Did you think I wasn't gonna find out?"

He had eaten a chicken strip with peanut butter. "I didn't wanna worry you if it was nothing. It was probably normal pregnancy symptoms"

"And what if it isn't then what? I don't wanna lose you Ian, I don't wanna lose you or these babies. You three mean everything to me"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry if it wasn't anything"

"I'm always gonna worry about you Ian. For better for worse, in sickness and in health. And I'm always gonna worry about the babies now. We're both responsible for two human beings now"

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