Untitled Part 5

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"Mick.... Ohhh holy fuck......do something" Ian yelled in pain.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Major fuck. The babies weren't due for at least another 2 weeks. It was too early.

"We'll go to the hospital, it's too early for them to come," Mickey said, trying to stay calm. He didn't wanna stress or upset Ian anymore.

Ian tried to get up from the bed, Mickey helped him up and walked him out to the car. The redhead was still crying in a lot of pain, he clutched his stomach. Mickey put him in the passenger seat, he saw how much pain his husband was in and it killed him not being able to take it away.

"It's too early Mick" Ian whimpered. "It's too early I can't....ahhhhh shit!"

"Hey it's gonna be alright. I'm not leaving you, we're in this together. It's time to meet MJ and Nova. Our little babies are ready"

"I'm scared Mickey"

He grabbed his hand. "I'm here, for better or worse. In sickness and in health. Our vows remember"

Suddenly Ian slowly began going in and out of consciousness, that had frightened Mickey. "Ian? Hey. Ian! Wake up. Wake up!"


Mickey had run around getting in the driver seat and he took off for the hospital. He sped down the roads running just about every red light and every stop sign he could. His babies were coming. He was about to be a father. A million things had ran through his head

Ian had kept slowly slipping into unconsciousness, Mickey had glanced from the road and saw him. He was more anxious than he ever was. Not to mention terrified. If anything happened to Ian or his babies. That be it. He wouldn't know what to do or how to move on. Ian and his kids were his life. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for them.

"Ian, hey Ian. I need you to stay awake for me. Don't close your eyes. Talk to me about anything" He had to get Ian talking. "Talk to me about the babies. About MJ and Nova"

A smile appeared on Ian's face. "When...when I imagine them... MJ...I see you. He'll have your hair.... My eyes... a mixture of our personalities...Nova... she'll have my hair...your eyes... she'll..she'll..." Ian slipped into unconsciousness.

"Ian? Ian! I need you to wake up. Wake up the fuck up Ian" Mickey panicked.

In record time Mickey arrived at the hospital he was in the hospital's entrance and rounded the car and lifted Ian up carrying him inside. Ian's weight was a lot for Mickey to carry but the dark haired man didn't care that was his husband, his family. He'd lift the world for them. He'd walk through the flames of hell for them.

"Can I get a doctor over here?!" Mickey called for help.

A nurse and a doctor had rushed over taking Ian. They sat him down.

"What's going on?" The doctor said, looking at Mickey.

"He's my husband, he's pregnant and I think he's in labor but he's 2 weeks early. Please you gotta do something for him" Mickey just about begged.

The doctor looked to the nurse. "Page the OB on call, we gotta get him up to labor and delivery"

"Right away doctor"

The nurse rushed and did as she was told while the doctor examined Ian. "Are there any medical conditions I should be aware of?" He glanced at Mickey.

"He's Bipolar. He stayed off his meds during the pregnancy. He was on bed rest, his doctor said something about his blood pressure being too high. It can cause preeclampsia. Could...could that be what's wrong?"

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