Untitled Part 4

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The last three months had flown by fast. Mickey had done all he could to make sure Ian stayed on bed rest, short of physically restraining him. Ian was stubborn, but Mickey was more stubborn.

One afternoon Frank had wandered over. He was in a bind and he needed money. He opened the door, barging in. "Heeeelllllo!" he called out.

"The fuck you doing here, Frank? Nobody wants you here." Mickey said.

"I cant stop by and see my son?" Frank said.

"I swear to all things holy Frank, if you upset Ian in any way, I will bury you. Alive."

"I ain't afraid of you." Frank said. "You Milkoviches are all the same, all talk but no action."

"Upset Ian in any way. Frank, and I'll show you exactly how much action I can be. Unike the rest of my family, Im a man of my word."

"Yeah yeah yeah." Frank muttered, going upstairs. He found Ian lying in bed. "My boy!"

"What do you want, Frank?"

"Why does everyone assume I want something?" Frank asked.

"Because you always want something." Ian said. "I have nothing."

"Come on Ian, help your old man out."

Ian sighed. "How much?"

"two hundred dollars." Frank said.

"two hundred dollars...two hundred dollars? What did you do now?"

"Oh you know... a little of this, a little of that. If i dont get them their money, they'll cut me into pieces and throw me into the river."

'Maybe I should let them,' Ian thought. But before he could say anything, Mickey broke the silence.

"And if you dont get the fuck out and stop asking my husband for money, and stop stressing him out, the people you owe that money to will be the least of your worries."


"No butts. Get out, Frank. Out, now." Mickey grabbed him by the collar and threw him out. "He wont be a problem anymore."


Mickey turned to see Ian's face twisted in pain. He was holding his stomach, breathing hard. "Ian?"


Holy shit, Mickey thought. 

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