A Confession

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Ponyboy sat leaning against an oak tree in the middle of the abandoned lot, staring up at the sky and unknowingly fiddling with his fingers; he was actually waiting for his best friend, but literally had no idea where he was at that moment, and he was actually starting to consider heading out to his house to see if he was okay. But Johnny specifically told him to wait here, and that he'd be there afterwards.

Now that he thought about it, he wondered why he even agreed to it; what if the soc's got to him when he was on his way? What if his parents got a hold of him? What if Dally or Twobit dragged him off? Well, that would be better than the last two options, but still, he had no idea where he was. The brunette sighed, shaking his head to try and rid of these nervous thoughts; he was sure Johnny was fine... He just— Had to wait a little longer...

So, he decided to be patient, reading a book he brought with that the puppy eyed boy had gotten for him a while ago; it was called Gone With the Wind, and he brought it to possibly read with the other, but now that he was waiting, he guessed he'd read a little bit to himself. But finally, after what felt like forever, he heard the crunching of footsteps on the grass, so he gently shut the paperback and looked in the direction they were coming from — a relieved grin spreading across his face as he saw Johnny inching towards him, hands behind his back with a gentle smile.

"Johnnycake! Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry, Pone. My parent's didn't pass out as early as I thought they would, but at least the sun isn't entirely down yet, right?"

"Right. Well, I'm glad you're okay. Ya' had me worried for a hot second."

The dark toned boy only shrugged, sitting down beside the younger boy and soon noticing the book in his lap; chuckling just a little before his eyes met the greenish grayish ones of Ponyboy.


"Well, I was. I'm not anymore now that you're here. But, I was wondering if I could continue reading it with you for a little while though? Since you liked it when I did before?"

"O-Oh, yeah! Sure? Where did we leave off?"

~A Little Time Skip~

The sun was finally starting to set, the bright orange color drifting quite slowly beneath the horizen, but Pony barely noticed, he was happily reading out loud to Johnny enthusiastically — but Johnny, on the other hand, was a little distracted, trying to find the right moment for his plan.

"Oh, man. That's disturbing, haha."


"The wording in this sentence. 'Everywhere, swarms of flies hovered over the man, crawling and buzzing in their faces.'"

The ravenette giggled just a little at that, looking over to Ponyboy with a grin.

"Man, that's gross."

"Yeah, tell me about it. I would hate to deal with that."

"Pony, look— The sun's setting!"

For the shy boy, this was no surprise, but Ponyboy had no idea, setting the book on the right side of him quickly and getting into a comfortable position before resting his hands on his stomach; leaning his head on Johnny's shoulder with the tiniest of smiles, just glad he could spend this time with his friend.

But the ravenette was all sorts of flushed and smiles, trying to focus on the sky, but so many thoughts ran through his mind at that moment, and he wondered if these actions would convince him enough to go through with his little plan. He was obviously quite scared and nervous, but at the same time, he was 50% sure this would go alright; but yet again, he could be completely wrong, and thats what worried him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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