Start from the beginning

"Was all that drama necessary?" I asked him. He remained silent, but the look he gave me sent my question back at me. I grinned sheepishly.

"Well, aren't you going to react?" Caleb asked, finally speaking. I shrugged. It was fun watching him try to figure me out.

"Maybe?" I said, raising my head in a challenging manner.

"Good." He said, simply. Good?

"Good?" I voiced out. Not uttering a word, he turned around to take his leave. But just as he started towards the door, I felt my feet move of their own accord, hurry towards the door and blocked his path.

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. Caleb smirked. It seemed like he had finally gotten the reaction he wanted. Yet, he decided to play mind games with me.

"Why what?" He asked in  a casual tone. I didn't back out however.

"Why did you plant a camera in my car? Why on earth were you stalking me?" I asked, gradually getting annoyed. Caleb must have noticed it because he had a satisfied smirk on his face which I badly wanted to wipe off.

"If I let you know the reason, what profit will it be to me?" Caleb asked, his face suddenly expressionless. "However, get over yourself. You're not that special."

Never had someone's word stung so much as his last statement. It wasn't really about the words. It was about the manner in which he uttered that statement. It was almost like he was referring to the most insignificant thing he had ever come across in his life. I felt tears sting the back of my eyes but I fought them back.

Don't pay attention, Sam! He's a bully. Just a mean bully and nothing more!

Just then, the bell went off, signalling first period. Raising my head up defiantly, I looked into Caleb's mean eyes.

"You're nothing but a disgusting bully. Someday, you'd regret ever messing with me." I said in the most piercing voice I could muster.

However, I doubt my words even brushed his skin slightly because just as I turned to take my leave, Caleb held me back by my arm and turned me to him. Staring daggers, he still managed to speak in a calm but dangerous voice.

"I really don't give a damn about what you think or whether you'd react or not." He stared briefly, probably to make sure I understood what he was saying. "And ask for your 'why' question, don't you think you should direct that to loverboy Carlos?"

I gasped in shock. I couldn't hide my shock. How did he find out?

"How?" I whispered. Caleb lifted an eyebrow, letting go of my arm.

"You're kidding, right?" He then 'tsked' and exited the music room.

I reached out to the grand piano to support myself from falling. No, no, no! This couldn't be happening! How on earth did Caleb find out? It couldn't have been Shayne or Carlos, right? Shayne said they weren't close.

Who on earth told Caleb the most embarrassing story of my life?!


Throughout English class, I had avoided Caleb's gaze which I had felt on me more than I could count. I had been late to the class, risking a detention but Miss C.C had been merciful to leave me with a stern warning. Once the bell had gone off, I had hurried out of English class, much to the surprise of my friends.

Now, I was currently seated in my music class. It didn't help that that was exactly where Caleb had psychologically bullied me this morning.

I could barely concentrate in class! Even Grace had noticed, but when she had asked if I was okay, I had returned a smile which thankfully had convinced her. Andrew, however wasn't convinced and once the class was over, he cornered me.

"What's up?" He asked. I looked into his blue eyes which somehow made me want to tell him the truth. But I couldn't now.  My story was one I was ashamed of. I didn't want anyone else knowing this. Especially not Caleb! He was a very heartless being who could use anything against anyone just so he'd have his way.

I didn't blame him. I blamed myself and Carlos. Especially, myself.

Only if I hadn't been so foolish! The narrative would've been different and right now, I would have been at either the principal's office or the police station, getting the creep Caleb the punishment he deserved!

"I'm fine, Drew." He raised an eyebrow.

"Uh uh, sure! I didn't asked if you were fine. But you just confirmed you aren't." I smiled at his intelligence but soon dropped it for a sigh.

"Drew, it's complicated." I said, glumly.

"We can go talk somewhere?" He suggested. I shook my head.

"No, Drew. Not now, please. I need to clear my head." He offered me a look of sympathy but decided to let me be.

"Let me know if you need anything?" I nodded and Drew did the least thing I expected him to do! He pulled me into a hug. However, it was brief.

"Take care." He said taking his leave. However, just as he turned, I noticed Alex standing in the doorway, together with Charlotte. The way Alex looked at me perfectly described the look of a jealous girlfriend.

Thankfully, Drew walked towards them, immediately getting their attention. But what I didn't expect was for Drew to say hi to Charlotte alone, completely ignoring Alex.


Hey guys!!! How're you all doing?!!🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️

Trust you had a great week!!! I did, Glory to God!!!🤭🤗❤️❤️❤️

Do share how your week went in the comment section😃❤️❤️❤️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it's not so long 🤧❤️❤️


Stay safe, stay blessed and always remember that Jesus loves you and died for your sins to save you from eternal damnation! Only believe and be saved🙏❤️❤️❤️

God bless you all!!!❤️❤️❤️

Much love from here!!!🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️


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