Bonnie x Amber or Bonnie x reader

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Yes, this is a Bonnie x Reader or Bonnie x Servine289's OC. Remember, you can replace Amber with your name. Please, just, dont hate on our stories. Thanks. And while we are talking about fnaf... You can ignore the about the part where your Foxy's sister. This will be your POV/Amber's POV.

As I watched the animatronics, I saw that they were playing the same song over and over again. When it was time for the kids to go, I looked at my watch and ran to the security room. Mike and Jeremy were in the room first. As I watched the cameras, I rolled my eyes.

"So, wheres the animatronics now?" Mike asked me.

"Chika and Freddy are on the stage. Bonnie's in the closet. Foxy's still in Pirates Cove." I replied, still looking at the cameras.

Jeremy looked really scared like he watched a scary movie or something. As I looked at one of the cameras, I saw that one of them has "audio only". The kitchen, duh. Then I saw Foxy run towards us.


Mike shut the door and I was still looking at the cameras.

"Mike! Your pizza!" Chika said. Mike shut the door on her.

"Mike. They had pizza. Why would you regret pizza?" I asked.

"They're just trying to fool us." He opened the other door and checked the light.

Bonnie was at the door so he took my hand and pulled me out of the room. I gave Jeremy the IPad. "Bonnie! Why are you pulling me? Where are you taking me?"

"Ill show you (Amber or Y/N). Dont struggle." he took me to a room with Freddy, Chika, Foxy, and Goldie.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked. Goldie was the only one that smirked at me.

"Do you want to join us? Or be stuck in the vent?" Freddy asked.

"Ye better answer." Foxy said.

"Foxy, dont be so rough on her. She's just a little girl." Bonnie said, talking in his cute, british accent.

"Im not-." I was about to say.

"Just answer the question. Please." Chika said.

"How come you guys can make us into robots but you dont have a machine to make yourselves into humans." I asked. "Fine. I'll join you. But! Its gonna cost some pizza for Jeremy, Mike, and I."

"What about Vincent? Arent you guys friends?" Chika asked.

"Fine, make some for Vincent too. I dont care." I said. Goldie shrugged.

"Alright. You're in. You shall be (Amber or Y/N) The Pirate Fox, Foxy's sister." Freddy told me.

"Ye have to be kidding me! Are ye serious Freddy, lad?" Foxy asked Freddy. Freddy nodded.

5 days later

I started building a machine to help them turn into humans. Bonnie helped get the supplies. I finally finished and Bonnie hugged me, surprising me. I walked into the machine and Bonnie flipped the switch. I walked out and I looked at my hand. I was a human! IT WORKED! Bonnie got in.

"My turn!" Bonnie said and I flipped the switch twice.

He came out, He was also human! IT WORKED AGAIN! He hugged me again. I hugged back.

"Hey, uh, (Amber or Y/N) want to go out? I've thought about this for awhile and-." Bonnie stated and asked.

"Yes." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He blushed.

Alright! You liked it? I'll make Chika x reader next!

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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