"After you Mrs. Woodland." He said and she got out. As they walked he put his hand on her back she pulled it off. "We are in our work place." She said. "So?" he asked holding her waist. She shook her head.

"Where are we going? I have my shift to cover, and..." He placed his finger on her lips silencing her. And he didn't care who had seen him. He did this because simply he can. He have the right to do this, and only he can do this. "Come with me please, I have to show you something baby" He whispered. Then he held her hand and took her towards his cabin. "It is your cabin, what is new in this?" She asked. He opened the cabin and there was not one but two desks inside and in a corner there was a little crib too.

"Why it have more than one?" She asked. He took her hand made his way towards the other desk in his cabin. He showed her the name. Dr. Pia Woodland, it was written in bold black letters. "Ok so you wish me to share your cabin?" She asked. "I wish you would share everything, not just my cabin Pia, you are my other half." She pulled her hand back.

 "I am your other half in pen and paper, I don't think you really mean that. Doing this you are only trying too hard to prove that you think I am your other half, but the truth is I was replaceable in your life always Mr. Woodland. Otherwise you may not have thought when I married you I was in fact because of your money. Thus, the prenup, I wasn't your other half, I was just someone you married out of convenience, if you now please excuse me, I have a life to make for me and my baby" With that said she left.

You have to force your way in

"Forcing it is then Mrs. Woodland. Forcing it is and I am going to make you tell me all that you have been hiding. I have a right to know all that in you and within you Mrs. Pia Christopher Woodland, for that if I have to force my way into your life I will" he said looking at the door.

Pia was lying down on the examination table, waiting for Forrest to come. But her mind was still on the things Christopher had said and had done. It was like someone had flipped the switch and now he was the nicer version of himself.

 Few days back he had turned into this bitter person she had known him to be all along. But now, it was like he wasn't even been at that stage. And he even managed to install a crib in his chambers. She remembered he never wanted her baby, then why show that he wants something like that when he in reality doesn't?

The door opened and closed. "You have made me wait too long, I am now very much hungry." She complained. "Yes, indeed my little Pixie, I made you wait." She looked at the man who had entered into the room with her. She couldn't believe over her eyes. It was him. But it was him. "Where is Forrest? I thought he was performing the sonography Dr. Woodland." She said not looking at him. "Why? Can I not perform the Sonography Mrs. Woodland? I am as capable as any others in this fine facility." He said.

She looked away. "Remember what I told you when you came here first Little Pixie?" He asked. "That I don't like when someone I talk to doesn't maintain eye contact with me. Yet you do it again and again." Pia looked up in his grey eyes.

 "That's more like it so shall we begin dear?" He asked. "I think I will pass and wait for Forrest to come" Pia said trying to flee however he already have anticipated that she will do something like this. So he held her hand.

"Don't Pia, remember you said I was a doctor first? I still am a doctor and I am just here as that. Forrest had an emergency and he had to go." She again tried to get up. He pushed her back down gently. "I think I am going to confirm it myself Dr. Woodland" He shied and rang his friend. And then handed his phone to her. They talked in hushed tones and he cannot help but feel jealous yet again. Why cannot she bond with him like that? Why he feels like a third wheel?

She gave phone back to him. "Alright, I believe you." She said. "I am glad that you do Mrs. Woodland." He said taking his phone and keeping it inside his pocket. "Now may I?" he asked. She nodded. He pulled her dress up. Revealing her stomach and the little swell on it. He put on some cold gel on it and she shivered. After that he moved the device on her skin scanning all the area. The picture begins to form little by little revealing the little structure inside her stomach.

"It seems to be healthy and growing well. No sign of any deformities or any other complications yet." He said. "I can see that too, or you keep on forgetting that I am indeed a doctor too?" She asked. "No, I am not, I do remember it very well Dr. Woodland. Still since I am making the inference, it was in my best interest to notify you of the same." He said. "And we can hear the heartbeat now too, do you like to hear it Mrs. Woodland?" He asked.

When she didn't reply he did it anyway. Then he just raised the volume so the entire room was echoing with the tiny heartbeat. Pia's eyes watered. She was overwhelmed. Something as growing within her another life, such a fragile little thing. Her eyes met Christopher's and his eyes were mirroring her expressions, fear and excitement both, for something new in their life. He looked at the little picture the screen had conjured up. So tiny, yet something that he can call his own. His own baby. His baby, someone he wants to give his world to.

He took the paper towels and cleaned her up. Then he placed her dress in place covering her properly. "I am..." She started but then Christopher's expression stopped her from talking. He placed a kiss on her forehead. Then he moved away. She didn't understand why she felt like this. She stood up and walked out of there leaving her alone. She wondered why? Why it felt like he too was so much overwhelmed by all this. She felt something on her hand cold, and wet. It was his tear. He was crying and she didn't saw.

Christopher had a very rough childhood, for that he had difficulty in connecting with anyone.

She remembers Forrest telling her another day. Maybe they are more alike then she wanted to believe. Maybe he too needs her to heal, to move on from whatever that is holding him in from embracing what world had to give to him. She got herself down from the bench she was on and walked out of the room in search of her husband.

She walked down the hallways greeting people who had met her. And then she finally reached his cabin. This was the place she cannot had called her own even is she had wanted to. But then somehow... She touched her name right over his. Inked in gold over the black granite tile. She had a place in here, a place which he had given her. 

Just like a place to call her home. Maybe she needed to take that place and understand him a little better. Maybe she would make him understand her perspective too? Maybe finally they can make amends?

She walked inside the cabin and saw he was standing next to the crib deep in thoughts. She walked up to him and placed her hand over his shoulder, he turn around and then she saw it the red rimmed eyes. He had been crying. It wasn't a hallucination after all. 

Word Count: 2174 Words

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