Chapter Twenty-Six: The Perfect Alibi

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After what seemed like an hour of driving in traffic, the kidnappers and the kidnappees reached their destination: a large, remote house on the side of a mountain. The lackeys forced Aiden and Violet to walk into the house.

Greg and Shelby got out of the brown car, and Greg carried the duffle bag, which squirmed and yelped muffle screams. Violet and Aiden muffle-screamed back at the bag, but Shelby walked over to them and shook her head.

"Don't try to communicate with her," Shelby said. "If she finds out our identities, she has to die too."

Aiden and Violet exchanged glances. Violet howled in tears through the duct tape. Aiden, whose hands were tied behind his back, held Violet's whose hands were also restrained. He looked her in the eyes, and rubbed the top of her head with his cheek.

They all got inside. Shelby pointed at Levy and Adonis, gesturing them to take the duffle bag upstairs, and they did as told.

"Ernesto," Shelby said. "Go outside and be on the lookout. Make sure no cops come, 'kay?"

"Alright," he said, looking relieved he could get away from the drama.

"What are we going to do, Shelby?" Greg asked. "They know who we are, and the cops might come for me too!" He inhaled and exhaled out of a bag.

"This isn't unfixable," Shelby said, crashing on a nearby couch. "I mean, they don't have enough proof to perform an arrest on you, do they? We always keep our faces covered and we use unregistered vehicles. We do our research. We're untraceable"

"What if they do have something against me?"

"Worst case scenario, we get you a fake passport and identity and send you to Brazil."

"Don't worry. We'll only do it if we need to."

"Do we even have enough money to do that?"

"More than enough. A million from the last girl, plus a million from Mina's family, plus a million from mine? We're breaking bank."

"What about . . ." He glanced at Aiden and Violet, his eyes full of disgust. "Them?"

Shelby sighed, and squatted on the floor next to them, pouting. "This is the thing I wanted to avoid."

"Are we . . . going to keep them?"

Shelby groaned. "You really are naïve, aren't you? Sure, we could keep them, but for how long? We can't just keep them as pets forever. We have to . . . get rid of them."

Violet screamed through the duct tape, and cried on Aiden, who pet her with his face.

Greg's eyes dilated to the size of grapefruits. "Shelby . . . You can't be serious. You told me we weren't going to kill anyone."

"I'm sorry," Shelby said, looking out a window. "In a perfect world, this job would be done nice and clean, but that's unrealistic now. This has to be done."

"Who's going to do it?"

"Well, they are your rival and ex girlfriend. Didn't they both hurt you?"

Greg quivered his lip, and glanced back and forth towards the victims, and Shelby. "That doesn't mean I want them dead."

"I don't want them dead either, but we have no other option."

"We can't just kill them. This would be a high profile murder investigation."

Shelby exhaled. "No, it wouldn't. I have an idea. They're siblings that are dating and I heard their mom is pissed. I mean, everyone is talking about it. They've got a forbidden love story like Romeo and Juliet, right? And how did Romeo and Juliet end?"

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