Chapter Eight: Language Arts

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It was a few days after the injury, and the girl still couldn't recall the events leading up to it. The people who claimed to be her 'parents' wouldn't take her to the hospital because she was 'fine enough' anyway and they couldn't afford it.

They filled her in on the essential things. She went to Pleasant Hill School of the Arts, a charter school that she got into because of her writing skills. Her boyfriend was Zeke, and he would be helping her get through the day. They were on the verge of eviction and (they couldn't stress this part enough) she had to take as many shifts at the diner as possible to keep that from happening.

Also, her name was Crystalline Alejandro. She didn't know what it was, but that name didn't sit right with her. Crystalline. Crystalline? "Crystalline". It felt wrong in every angle. She decided she would call herself Christy, even if it was just in her mind. Christy didn't sound right either, but it didn't feel as wrong as Crystalline.

Christy looked through the closet for something to wear. There were quite a few pretty dresses and blouses to choose from, and she did like them, but she just didn't want to wear them. She dug around and found jeans eventually. She paired them with a plain white t-shirt and running shoes.

"Crystalline," her apparent mother called. "Zeke is here."

Christy went outside. There was a silver car there, and a boy ran out of it and gave her a hug. "Baby!" he exclaimed. "I was so worried about you."

She immediately pushed him off and looked him up and down. "I'm guessing you're the boyfriend, huh? Zeke, was it?"

Zeke frowned. "You really don't remember me?"

She shook her head. "Not even a little bit."

They got in the car and drove to school. Whenever Zeke tried to hold her knee or be affectionate with her in any way, she'd slap his hand away.

"Baby," Zeke moaned. "I wish you'd let me touch you. You talked to your parents right? I'm not just some random guy. We've been together for months."

Christy sighed. "I'm gonna level with you. Logically, I know you're my boyfriend, but emotionally, I feel like I have no idea who the hell you are."

"What about sexually?"

"Ha!" She let out a loud roar. "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

Zeke was visibly more desperate and impatient. "You know, I'm the one that saved you. Did your parents tell you that? I fought off those two guys with my bare hands. Then I drove you home. You should be grateful."

"Well, I am grateful."

"You're welcome."

"But also, I think it's bullshit that you fought off two guys all by yourself."

"Well--I--Uh--" He stammered. "I was the main guy that fought them off. Three or four other guys helped out once they saw what was going on."

"Uh huh."

They finally arrived at school. Christy couldn't help but notice that her peers were all glaring at her, mugging her with their eyes, whispering dirty words about her. That was fine, but if anyone dared to touch her she'd teach them who was boss. Zeke showed her to her locker and her first class.

The students were going into the classroom, and a man who Christy assumed was the teacher high fived students as they walked in.

"Ms. Alejandro!" The lively man said as soon as she approached the door. "How was your trip to Hawaii? I hear you attended the best Luau in history!"

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