Chapter Eighteen: A Walk to Help Remember

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"Come on, Crystalline," Alicia moaned, trying to drag her into the building. "You told me you'd keep an open mind.

Christy stared at the sign in that section of the strip mall. Dr. Regina Thompson's Hypnotism Therapy Service. "This is stupid," she said. "I don't believe in hypnosis."

"But it really works. Dr. Regina is the best. She helped my dad quit smoking, and I think she can help you too."

Christy swayed back and forth. "Okay, fine. But if she tries to get me to talk about my feelings, then I'm leaving."

Alicia and Christy walked into the office. It was empty and cold, void of life. The only sound was the tappity tap of the receptionist hitting keys on a keyboard at the front.

"You said she was the best," Christy said. "Why's it so empty in here and in such a discreet location?"

"An undiscovered gem, if you will." Alicia said. She walked up to the receptionist. "Hi. I called for an appointment for Crystalline Alejandro to meet with Dr. Regina?"

The receptionist hit a button on his bluetooth, not even looking up from the screen. "Gina? Someone's here to see you.

A woman with blonde hair that was on the peak of turning gray walked out. "Hello," she said. "Alicia, how is your father?"

"He's good now. No more cigarettes," she said, with a dull tone, her eyes meeting the floor.

"But there's another problem with him, isn't there?"

"That's not why we're here," Christy cut in.

"You must be Crystalline Alejandro. Alicia's been telling me all about your amnesia. Why don't you step into my office, and we'll start talking about this dilemma?"


Dr. Regina led the way, followed by Christy and Alicia.

"Alicia, dear," Dr. Regina said. "It would be best if it were just me and the patient."

Alicia looked to Christy, who simply nodded. Dr. Regina and Christy went inside.

"Have a seat," Dr. Regina said, pointing to the couch and sitting down on a sofa.

Christy sat down, continuously bouncing her leg up and down.

"Why don't we get to know each other first, Crystalline?"

"I'm Crystalline, apparently. I have amnesia, and that's all you need to know. That's all there is. I just want to jump right into this so we can uncover some memories and I can know what else there is to the story."

"What do you mean by 'apparently'?

She rolled her eyes. Trying to dig deep? She'd play that game for a while if it would eventually lead to hypnosis and she could get the hell out as soon as possible.

"I mean," Christy began, "that I don't feel like Crystalline Alejandro. I feel like I woke up as a completely different person. I'm nothing like anyone describes me to be."

Dr. Regina wrote something down in her notebook. "And why are you nothing like how they describe you?"

"The person I was before was a sensitive, meek girl that couldn't speak up for herself. I'm the exact opposite. If I want something, I'm not afraid to take it."

"I understand that you have amnesia. What was the event to trigger it?"

"Some guys tried to kidnap me, and they ended up busting my head."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"Awful, obviously. Doc? I'm going to be completely honest. I'm not into the whole mushy gushy feelings explosion therapy. I just want the hypnosis so I can remember everything."

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