Chapter Twenty: Not Lavender

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"I found him on the actor list for the play on the Audax Honorificum Academy website," Alicia said. "His name is 'Aiden Lovato'. Does it ring a bell?"

Christy laid on Alicia's bed, thinking. "I feel like that name is familiar, but I don't know where I've heard it before."

"I'll look him up on social media."

Alicia typed his name in the search bar and looked for Aiden left and right, but no luck. "I can't find him anywhere," she said.

"Maybe he's not on social media."

"Ugh. He's one of those. Do you think we can contact Audax and ask for Aiden's contact information?"

Christy made her voice high-pitched and squeaky. "'Oh, you're two random strangers that want the number and address of one of our students? Here you go! No questions asked!'"

"You got a better idea?"

"We go to Audax and stalk the front entrance until we see him walk outside."
"What the Hell? That's just creepy."

"And then I'm gonna beat him."



Christy got a buzz on her phone.

"Alicia, I got an email from Audax," Christy said.

"What's it say?"

"It says, 'Hell--Hello, Crystalline. Re--regard--regarding--"

"I'll read," Alicia said, taking the phone from her. "'Hello, Crystalline. Regarding your request for the cctv footage, we looked at the video of the date and time requested and are giving you all the possible footage of when you may have been seen. Thank you.'"

"All the possible footage of when I may have been seen? That's such a weird thing to say.."

Alicia plugged the phone into the computer and downloaded the attachment. A video of the Audax parking lot with cameras from multiple views popped up. They were 1080 HD, and even things in the dark were easy to discern.

"Damn," Christy said. "Tell that grocery store across the street from the diner that they need to upgrade to this."

"Look! There you are!"

The footage showed Crystalline in her blue dress, walking into the theatre with Zeke.

"Look, there," Christy said. "My arm is covered with bandages. Zeke was telling the truth."

"And look at the way you're walking in the video," Alicia said. "You do not walk like that anymore."

"Like what?"

"Gracefully and with poise. Now you stomp around like you're ready for a fight."
"Because I am always ready."

A blue Mercedes pulled into the parking lot, and a girl who also looked like Crystalline walked out. She was wearing a blazer, dress shirt, purple tie, and a matching skirt. She rushed into the play.

"Oh my God!" Alicia exclaimed. "She looks just like you!"

Christy paused the tape and zoomed into her face. "That's nuts. What if--" She stopped herself from thinking. If what she thought was true, it would explain a whole lot.

"What if what?"

"I've got a feeling about something, but let's look for more evidence before we jump to conclusions."

They fast-forwarded the clip, and the girl in the purple skirt was outside, on the phone.

"She looked upset about something," Alicia said.

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