"So, you do make a good detective after all. I never would have guessed that," Weaver remarked.

Rogers slammed Weaver against the metal gate, "You lied! And you made Tilly lie. Why would you do that?" Rogers asked angrily.

"Get your hands off me," Weaver said as he pushed Rogers off him.

"Was it Belfrey?! Did she put you up to this?!" Rogers asked him angrily, he stepped closer.

Sofia instantly got in the middle, a feeling of deja-vu came rushing over her.

"Actually, yes, she did, but that's not why I did it," Weaver said.

"Then why?" Rogers asked.

"Two reasons, you don't know what's going on around here. I know you think you, but you don't," Weaver looked at Sofia, "Second, she wants her husband back, I was only being a good friend."

"By lying?" Sofia asked.

"So, tell me what's going on around here and you know as well as we, that Sof wouldn't lie for what she wants," Rogers said.

"Even if I could tell you, you wouldn't believe. Not yet, you just have to trust me when I say, everything I'd done in this case was for one main reason. To protect you from your bloody self," Weaver said.

"No, you don't care about me or Sof, you don't care about anyone and if you and Belfrey went this far to convince me that Eloise Gardener was dead then that means one thing... She's alive and I'm gonna find her," Rogers said.

"Uh, I really wish you wouldn't. Look, Iknow that you feel like you know this girl, but Eloise Gardener is not who you're looking for," Weaver said.

Sofia looked at the rings in the bag in her hand unaware that Rogers had walked to the door, "Sof?" Rogers turned to her and she looked at him, "What is it?"

"I know these..." Sofia said and shook her head, heading them to Weaver before looking at Rogers, "Sorry, let's go," She followed Rogers out.


Rogers and Sofia walked out of the elevator of Belfrey towers, they walk towards Victoria's office. 

"Detective Rogers and Mrs Rogers," Ivy ran over and stood in front of her mother's office door, "And where do you both think that you're going?" Ivy asked.

"We need to speak to your mother, it's police business... And Sof has been working with an officer for a while," Rogers said.

"Oh, well, she's not in right now," Ivy said.

"Well, where is she?" Sofia asked.

"I have no idea, what is this about?" Ivy asked.

"Your mother is involved in the disappearance of a girl," Rogers said.

"Look, I know that my mother's done some bad things, but a missing girl? I just... I don't think she's capable of something like that," Ivy said.

"Yes, she is and what's more, you know it. I'm sure you have a tracking system in her car, and I'm gonna need the access code... Get me that code," Rogers said.

"Are you sure hon?" Sofia asked, wrapping her hands around his arm, looking at him, "You sure you want to do this?"

"I'm positive and don't try to stop me," Rogers said.

"Okay..." Sofia turned to Ivy, "You can get the code or I will."

"You can't make me," Ivy said.

"Hon," Sofia said to Rogers who hummed, "Keep her still," Sofia said and went to Ivy's desk and began typing at her computer as Rogers stayed in Ivy's way, but Ivy didn't even try to stop Sofia just watched her with Rogers.

Ending is the Beginning [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #7 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now