"Ready!" you called, walking down the stairs.

You stopped at the bottom of the stairs with one hand on the railing, and looked into the living room where Iwaizumi was standing up. He turned to look at you and became speechless.

"Is this too fancy?" you ask worriedly, "I can go change-"

"No!" he exclaimed.

He blushed and cleared his throat while you looked at him with a slightly surprised expression.

"I mean, it's not too fancy. You look... really nice."

You tried hiding a blush, but it didn't work.

"Thank you."

You both smiled at each other and went out the front door.

On the way to school, your arms brushed up against each other every once in a while, but neither of you minded. Iwaizumi was telling you what activities were at the fair, and made sure he knew which ones you wanted to go to first. 

When you go to the crowded fair, you both looked around for something to do, but your thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling.


Iwaizumi groaned as you both turned to see Oikawa coming from the gym.

"Oh~ hello (Y/n)-cha-"

"What were you yelling for Trashykawa?" Iwaizumi scowled.

"Ohhhh right. Yahaba's sick so he can't come to the gym to promote the team to all the transfers. Could you take his place?"

Iwaizumi sighed and looked at you. You both knew that if he did go to the gym, he would have to miss the first two hours of the fair.

"It's fine," you assured, "we've got the rest of the day anyways."

He looked at you in sorrow.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, and I'll come hang out with you guys while you're in there."

Oikawa grinned.


His cheering was interrupted by Iwaizumi slapping his hand onto the setter's mouth. You giggled and pulled Iwaizumi by his sleeve towards the gym. You immediately saw Makki, Matsun, and Kindaichi.

"Hey Iwaizumi, hey (Y/-"

Matsun stopped mid-sentence when he saw you in the door way of the gym. Kindaichi dropped the ball he was tossing around and Makki just stared at you before talking.

"Man (Y/n) you look hot."

You couldn't tell, but Iwaizumi was making some really angry expressions from behind you. Makki stiffened when he saw the ace glaring at him.

"I uh, I mean that in the most platonic and respectful way possible."

You smiled shyly and went over to the side of the gym and sat on the bench. You watched while transfers filtered in and out of the gym, as Iwaizumi and Oikawa greeted them. A lot of time passed, and at some point Iwaizumi came over to talk to you.

"Have you ever played volleyball?" he asked.

You shook your head.

"I've only watched."

His face lit up and he grabbed both of your wrists to make you stand from the bench.

"I'm gonna teach you." he said, dragging you onto the court. 

You groaned at the thought of physical activity, but he laughed and grabbed you a ball anyways. Before he could start, you pointed something out.

"I can't really do much in a skirt Iwa."

He thought for a few seconds, but then started to take off his jacket. He reached around you, pulling the sleeves to the front of your waist. He tied them, then took a step back to examine.

"That should be long enough." he said with his hands confidently on his hips.

He started to teach you the basics, like how to keep the ball in the air. After tapping it up and down by yourself, you started passing it back and forth with him. Once you got a hang of it, Iwaizumi decided to teach you receives.

"Okay you have to get down low." he instructed.

You squatted down a bit lower, thankful that you had the jacket around your waist to shield you.

He chuckled and walked over to behind you.


He put his hands on your hips and lightly pushed them down. He then took your arms while still standing behind you, and put them up in the receiving position. You were a little flustered by the position the two of you were in, but he didn't seem to notice how close you were, or even care for that matter. He was only focused on teaching you volleyball. His confidence that he has on the court was with him, and you couldn't help but find it attractive.

"Okay, you ready?" he said, walking back to his spot across from you.

You nodded your head.

"Don't do it too hard though."

He chuckled and tossed it underhand to you lightly. You hit it with ease.

"Ok maybe a little harder."

He nodded and this time, put some force into it. You let it hit your forearms and fly over Iwaizumi's head.

"Nice (Y/n)-chan!" Oikawa called out.

You smiled and stood back up in a normal position. 

A few other team members walked through the door, causing Iwaizumi to sigh with relief. 

"They're here to take our places," he said, motioning for you to follow him to the door. You nodded and waved goodbye to the team before exiting into the fair. 

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