somebody that I used to know

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Hermione glared at Ron with disgust. "How could you ever eat that much, Ronald? Seriously, it baffles my mind," she scoffed, looking at the heap of chicken wings on Ron's plate.

"I'm not going to starve myself, 'Mione! If I'm hungry, I'm going to eat!" Ron replied, taking one of the wings and dipping it in ranch.

"Hermione's got a point, Ron. You eat entirely too much," Ginny commented.

The Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione were enjoying a nice lunch at the Burrow to celebrate Ginny's second pregnancy. Next to Ginny was two year old James, currently sitting on Harry's lap, being fed cranberry sauce.

"Daddy," he sighed, "Is the baby a boy? I want it to be a boy. Girls are icky, and they have cooties!" He giggled.

Harry smiled. "I don't know, Jamey. We won't figure that out until the baby's born."

"Okay," James yawned, as another bite of the sauce was brought to his mouth.

"It looks like someone's tired," Ginny smiled down at James. "How about a nap, little one?"

"Okay, mumma," James responded.

"I can put him down if you want, Ginny. I've already finished my food and I would love to read to my godson," Hermione offered.

"That's fine. I want to finish my mashed potatoes before they get cold," Ginny grinned, elated at the opportunity to get out of putting James down.

Harry gave James to Hermione, and he immediately snuggled into the crook of her neck. "Hi Auntie 'Mione," he mumbled.

"Hey little Jamey," she smiled. She began walking up the stairs to Ginny and Harry's room, where an extra crib was always located.

She placed him down in the crib, and began reading one of his children's books, "Quidditch for Youngsters."


Hermione finished the book with a sigh, looking at James' sleeping form. She walked out of the room, the door closing behind her with a click.

She made her way back into the dining room, and sat down in her seat next to Ginny.

Bill smiled at her, grabbing a bowl off the table. "Here, 'Mione, do you want a biscuit?" He asked her, but as soon as the bowl made contact with her nose, she had the sudden urge to gag.

She ran into the restroom and threw up into the toilet, and everyone came running in behind her to see what was going on.

"What's wrong?"

"Should we bring her to St. Mungo's?"

"Do we have any ginger ale?"

"Where's the Pepto Bismol?"

"Everybody, calm down! Ginny yelled, holding Hermione's hair back as she retched. "She doesn't need a crowd to see her vomit! Get out!"

Everyone shuffled out of the room. No one in their right mind would anger the redhead, unless they wanted to be blasted to smithereens.

Hermione concluded her barfing session, and glanced up at Ginny. "Thanks," she croaked, glancing at her collar of her shirt, which had now been stained orange.

"Anytime," Ginny cringed. The smell was not very appealing.

Hermione flushed the toilet, and most of the throw up began to disappear.

𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 // hp [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang