misery business

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Hermione's POV

"Did you whisk the eggs?" Ginny asked me as she buttered the muffin pan.

"Whisk the eggs?" I frowned.

"I'll take that as a no."

"I'm sorry."

"You had one job, Hermione."

"I said I was sorry!"

"Whatever. The only way you can make it up to me is by getting James ready." She grinned, which made me think that she was going to make me do that even if I had whisked the eggs.

"Ugh, fine."

We were due at the Burrow for Sunday brunch in half an hour, and I had come over to Ginny and Harry's house to help them prepare. It had now been two months since my first ultrasound, and I still hadn't told anyone about my pregnancy besides Ginny, Harry, Luna, and Draco. Today I was going to make the announcement to everyone, since I was showing enough to look like I had gained weight, but not like I was pregnant with three babies. I wanted to tell them before they began getting suspicious.

I made my way up the stairs towards James' bedroom. It was across the hallway from the nursery for the next Potter baby, which was due in around twelve weeks.

I heard a faint 'thud!' towards the direction of the master bedroom, which was quickly followed by a curse from Harry. I giggled; Harry could be quite clumsy so he had probably tripped on something or stubbed his toe.

I opened the door to James' bedroom, which had a big red and gold letter J on it.

When I entered, I encountered a strange phenomenon.

James was skipping around the room in his underwear; clothes strewn across the floor.

"Hey Auntie 'Mione!" He grinned once he saw me.

"Hello, James. What on earth are you doing?"

"Playing Dragons."

"Interesting. Why aren't you dressed?"

"Clothes are for losers!" He scoffed as he flew his plastic Hungarian Horntail toy around his room.

"No, they're not. Clothes are for people with an ounce of self-respect. Now, get dressed if you want to see your cousins and Nana Weasley."


He tugged his pants on by himself, but required my help in putting on his Holyhead Harpies shirt.

We journeyed back downstairs, where the scent of muffins filled the room.


I coughed as I walked out of the fireplace and into the Burrow's living room.

In the corner, George was playing a game of Exploding Snap with Victoire while Percy was having some debate with Mr. Weasley on the couch.

George was the first to look up, and grinned when he noticed us.

"Uncle George!" James beamed as he ran into the man's awaiting arms.

"Oi, Jamester. How's life?"

"Mommy didn't let me have a muffin."

"Your mother sure does know how to ruin a good time," he sighed.

"That is not true! I turn bad times into excellent ones, mind you!"

George rolled his eyes. "If you say so, sis."

Ginny huffed and made her way into the kitchen to greet Mrs. Weasley.


We were currently sat at the large table in the backyard, where dozens of plates of food were scattered about. Ron had already dug into the rolls of bread as he sat next to me on my left side. On my right was Ginny, who had a heaping slice of pie on her plate.

"Dang, Ginny. I didn't think dessert before brunch was really your... thing," I commented.

"Maybe not, but it's his," she shrugged, pointing to her stomach.

"His? I thought you and Harry were waiting to figure out the gender."

"We are; it's just a feeling. Boys have run in my family for ages, but Harry swears up and down it's a girl. Wishing upon a star, he is."

I smiled. I knew Harry desired the 'daddy's girl' relationship with a daughter; one that he could carry on his shoulders and shower with sweets.

"Enough about me. When are you going to tell everyone?" Ginny asked, which made me cringe with anxiousness.

Before answering, I snuck a glance over at Ron, who was currently munching down on some mashed potatoes. He seemed too in his element to be eavesdropping on our conversation, so I went ahead and continued.

"Probably once brunch ends," I responded.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I already told Mom you have an announcement. You're on in a few."

"Ginny! You're horrendous."

"Thank you."


Mrs. Weasley clutched her glass as she began to clink her little spoon against it. "Attention, everyone!" She called out.

"Oh, heavens. Who's pregnant now?" Angelina joked as she held little Fred Junior in her arms. Announcements were frequent during Weasley gatherings, as people were always getting engaged, pregnant, or married quite often. In fact, Fleur had announced her third pregnancy at their most recent luncheon.

Somehow, I suspected my announcement would be a bit more unexpected.

I calmed my nerves as I began to stand up. "Me," I stated, which was greeted with a gasp from many of the ladies. "I'm pregnant, and I have been since December."

Out of the corner on my eye, I spotted a gobsmacked Ron and a smirking Ginny.

Oh, boy.



Today the last episode of WandaVision came out but I'm too scared to watch it bc idk if WandaVision will be renewed.
It should be by now but whatever

I'm now just going to put a good song on the second slide of each chapter's card bc I want to force my music taste upon all of you 😌. Fall Out Boy is one of my favorite bands and this song slaps so here you go

🗣I got a 92 on my math test !!🗣

Sorry just very proud of myself bc I am garbage when it comes to algebra

As always, thanks for reading :)



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