am I wrong

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Draco's POV

It was now Saturday, and it was almost 12:30. I had just finished getting dressed, but I was scared beyond belief to go to the ultrasound. Not only was it terrifying that I was going to be catching a glimpse at a baby that I co-created, but this ultrasound was solidifying the fact that this whole predicament existed. I was still a bit shocked that this was all happening, but seeing the kid on the screen would really make everything fully register.

This child was going to change everything.

As I fixed my hair in the mirror, I got a call from Granger. I picked it up with a sigh.

"Are you still coming?" She asked me, just as I had suspected she would.

"Of course. I would've told you if I wasn't."

"Okay, well, I want Luna to be there. Is that okay?"

"Loony? Why?"

"Her name is Luna, and she's a NICU nurse and one of my best friends so I want her to be there."

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just not Weaslette. She's a nightmare."

"Uh-huh. See you there."

I laughed at her comment. "Alright."

"Oh, by the way, the ultrasound's in room 408."

"Got it."


It was now 12:56, so I decided it was time to apparate to St. Mungo's. I vanished in a swirl of black, and arrived outside of the shop that the hospital was disguised as.

I walked in and glanced around at the sickly green walls and assorted portraits of old dead healers. I cringed as I began walking towards the front desk, and approached the receptionist.

"Hello, ma'am. Where's room 408?"

"Maternity, sixth floor," she droned on in a bored voice.


I boarded the elevator and made my way up.


When I entered room 408, Granger was lying on a hospital bed and Lovegood was sitting on a chair in the corner. There was an obstetrician standing in front of the ultrasound machine, but she had her back to me.

"Doctor, he's here. We can start now," Granger smiled at the doctor.

"Alrighty! My name's Dr. Violet Bradley, but you may call me Vi. How are we all?" The doctor asked us. You could tell she was frequently around kids; she was very optimistic.

"Nervous, honestly," Hermione replied.

"That's understandable. How about you?" She asked me, and I was startled when she put me on the spot.


"Cool! Hermione here has informed me that you're the father. How exciting!"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Awkwardness filled the room for a hot second before Luna broke the tension. "We should get on with the ultrasound; we must make sure the baby doesn't have womb-inflicted wackspurt syndrome."

Hermione giggled, and Vi laughed. "Sounds like a plan."


"Now, this gel's a little cold, so be prepared," Vi told Hermione. She then applied a generous amount of the gel to Hermione's abdomen, which made Hermione wince.

Vi rubbed the gel across Hermione's stomach, then grabbed her wand.

"Prepamenti!" Vi uttered, and the ultrasound screen lit up. There was what looked to be little dots on it.

"What's wrong with the screen?" Hermione asked, and Vi squinted her eyes.

She turned the screen towards her and out of Granger, Loony, and I's plane of vision. She retrieved a pair of glasses and began investigating with urgency. A few moments later, she grinned.

"Dear, were you aware you're having triplets?" She smiled.

Hermione and I's jaws dropped in unison.



Okay so this chapter is lame and short but it's a bonus chapter for not updating last Friday (not yesterday, but the Friday that was eight days ago.) I'll be updating again this Friday (unless school's unbearable this week.)

Also, I'm not making Mione have triplets just because multiple Dramione babies are cute (I'm not saying they're not cute, btw.) Her having more than one baby is important to the overall plot line.

Although this chapter is ass, be happy I'm updating, since I'm currently writing this on the last day of my vacation.

Love you guys lots,


P.S. happy late valentine's day! I didn't have a valentine (like always) but I had fun with my family and by myself. (Self love's important, people!) Bye 🥰

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