Chapter 10

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Although king Richard felt bad about not going to visit Jasmine this morning, he had a more pressing matter to take care of. After days of searching country after country, his militia found Mr. Reynolds. He was hiding in a small town in a rural part of Switzerland.  Thousands of men had been searching for this him, yet it took only a handful to actually enter the house and capture the man. 

The king walked into the room where they were holding this traitor. His jaw tensed when he saw the malicious glint in Reynold's eyes although he looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in days. His shirt was swathed in dirt, his pants were ripped along the knees and cuffs. He gets up when he sees the king and backs up into the corner, but his eyes stare defiantly at the king. 

King Richard stalks up closer to him, his fists closed, breathing shortly, trying to decide where to begin. His heart is beating faster than he ever felt before. He debates in his mind if he should first talk, or beat the Sh*t out of him. His fists don't wait for his rationalization. He strikes Reynolds jaw. Blood comes spewing out his mouth coating his fist in blood. The king then strikes  his stomach. The sound of the kings heavy breathing is mixed with Reynolds groans. He hits him a few more times before Reynolds tries to stop the blows by grabbing the kings hands and trying to shove him away.  

This is when the guards stepped in and got the king off Reynold. They had sworn to protect their Sovereign, even if it meant getting in the way of the his will. The king feels warm blood trickle down a gash on his cheek but he doesn't care. All he wants to do is beat Reynolds till he's dead. He try's to lunge at him but his guards hold him back firmly. He  wants to beat them too but  he realizes he's got to focus on the matter at hand. He takes a few deep breaths, smooths out his torn suit. He shrugs his shoulders to be released from his men, showing them he is calmer now. They oblige but stay close, watching.

He turns to Reynolds who is being pressed against the wall by some officers. Reynolds mouth was red with blood and his eye socket was changing shades from red to purple. He looks up in the kings eyes as he approaches him, shaking.

" Why did you do it?" ,The kings voice booms. He shoves his face close to Reynolds, and sees the fear in his eyes. "Answer me!" He demands. 

Reynolds wipes some blood of his mouth with his shoulder before replying steadily "Simple. Because you didn't treat my family with respect, so I did the same with yours.

"Family?" The king hissed, not fooling around. "Who did I disrespect?"  

"My brother, Isaac Renlovich. Remember him? He was the one who helped you when you came to him but when he asked you to return the favor..."

The king remembered Isaac. He was a close friend and advisor of the Russian president. He had asked Isaac to help him arrange a meeting with Russia and Korean prime ministers to work out a trade deal. This was a huge undertaking for Isaac because these two leaders despised each other and hadn't met for years. If this meeting didn't go smoothly, Issacs career would be ruined. None the less, Isaac agreed to do all he can to set it up in exchange for the promise of the king to side with him on the tariffs between Russia and Korea. The king agreed but when hearing the specifications and the consequence it would have on all the  countries, he didn't back him up by the meeting. King Richard came out with a good outcome of the meeting but Russia ended up on worse terms with Korea than they had started with. They had eventually smoothed it out between the two countries, but it seems as if Isaac hadn't forgotten this ordeal. In fact he despised the king so much, it was his final words he had said to his brother Ivan Reynolds, before passing away, to get back at the king Richard. And he hurt what was most valuable to the king.

Reynold continued "You cost my brother everything, his job his status his position all because you didn't agree to our negotiations. You thought you could get away scotch free when you backed out your little agreement. So I took the liberty of teaching your daughter a lesson, that she is held accountable for her  word, even for her daddy's. He is yelling this last part.

King Richard cant take it anymore. "Enough" He yells and shoves Reynolds against the wall forcefully. " You know very well that your brothers demands were unreasonable and I would never help someone achieve those ideas. They were bad for the people of Korea, and for his people! The only one to gain from it was himself. I would've maybe considered working it out with you, this whole issue with your late brother, but the fact you had the nerve to include my daughter in this. I swear you will regret the day you ever lay a hand on her!"

 The king gives him a final blow to the abdomen which makes him crumble to the floor. Richard has had enough of dealing with this horrible man. He turns around and looks at his guards with no mercy in his eyes." You know what to do." They nod silently as he walks out to his car. The king finally lets out a breath, feeling the huge weight be lifted off his shoulders. He can finally rest knowing this traitor got what he had coming for him. He can finally focus on Jasmine. 

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