"Aloha Hawaii!" Jaden enthusiastically bellowed into the microphone. In reply, twenty thousand plus people screamed and clapped their hands until their palms were stinging. "Are you ready to party?! 'Cause let me tell you that I cannot wait to get started!" Thousands of fans agreed that they couldn't either. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked for the small group standing in front of the curtains and then turned back to the audience. "One evening back in April, I had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time where I met this surprisingly undiscovered talented band. After hearing them sing, I knew that had to change, so I asked them to come on this tour with me and thank goodness they said yes.

"Without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Harmony!" Although they weren't familiar with a music group called Harmony, the crowd cheered them on as Jaden indicated for them to join her at the microphone so that she could properly introduce each member. The group had opened for her since the beginning of the tour and at every concert the audience warmly welcomed them. Unsurprisingly, each member was a jumble of nerves during the first couple of weeks because they weren't used to playing for such a large number of people, but their fears eventually quelled. Along with Jaden's encouragement, a major music magazine writing a favorable article on them helped to boost their confidence. Not to mention, it was amazing to read their names in print.

Twenty-two year old Jackson (Jack) Savage and his twin sister Mackenzie (Mack)--older than him by five minutes and seventeen seconds-- came up with the idea of starting a music group. Kelly Pruett, their friend since childhood who coincidentally was in the Madrigals choir during high school was interested in joining. There was no need for her to audition. The siblings were confident that she would make an incredible addition to the group.

To find Colin Lewis who was a year older than the three of them, they held auditions, which lasted until he sang on the second day while strumming his guitar. After he crooned the first stanza of Simply Red's Holding Back the Years, Jack, Mack and Kelly realized that they would be crazy not to end the auditions right there.

Finished with introductions, Jaden waved at the audience and then disappeared behind the curtains so that Harmony could do their thing. Jack settled behind the keyboard, his sister at the drums and Colin picked up his electric guitar while Kelly lowered the microphone until it was perfect for her height. Checking with each other to assure that they were ready, they proceeded to perform five songs, the fans excitement increasing with each one. Three of them they collectively wrote, one was a song that other musicians had made popular in the past and the last Jaden created especially for them about a week before they started the tour.

Once Harmony was through, beaming as they exited the stage, Sergeant Connelly reappeared with the band that had been performing with her for most of her career. The crowd went absolutely crazy as she sang one hit after another--especially during the parts where she danced alone or with the accompaniment of backup dancers. The songs she performed went as far back as her first album close to ten years ago and throughout the concert she changed clothes several times to fit the themes applied.

At one point in the concert, Georgie lifted her camera to take yet another picture (she had three left). One eye squinting as she looked through the viewfinder, she followed Jaden as she strutted across the stage in a black leather catsuit, her rich voice telling the story of a woman who went from a cowered down soul to an independent powerhouse. The ladies in attendance particularly enjoyed that one.

Her eyes remaining on the musician, Sharon leaned toward her friend. "Wow. Are you checking out that outfit?"

"It's hot," Georgie replied with a succinct truth. Her finger hovered over the button to snap a picture, but she hadn't pressed it yet. She was waiting for the perfect moment.

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