- Prom Dance -

Começar do início

From Kenma Kozume:
Shoyo. Prom? You. Me.

Nope. Not that one either. With a huff the third year slipped his phone back in his pocket, he'll just ask Hinata later when they call. He half-listened to the other third years as they talked about the latest gossip around school.


As the bell rang Kenma quickly packed off and said goodbye to his friends before heading to lesson. Next lesson was going to drag...which caused him to drag his feet until his phone buzzed in his pocket. Unlocking his phone the pudding head smiled.

From Shoyo Hinata:
Hi :)
Hope your school day is going good ☆
Can't wait to speak later :D

From Kenma Kozume:
Thanks, you too.
I want to ask you something later.

From Shoyo Hinata:
That makes me curious. xD
Oh I got to go now
Can't wait to hear your voice <3

From Kenma Kozume:
Same I'll talk to you later

Smiling slightly he slipped his phone in the pocket again and headed into lesson. Kenma hoped the lesson would pass quickly...He just wanted to hear Shoyo's voice...



Once the school day was done Kenma immediately started walking to the subway, he wanted to get home quickly so he could get ready for the call with Hinata.

Quickly getting on he took a seat in the corner away from everyone. Before Kuroo use to accompany him but he had left now and so Kenma was left alone. He wouldn't admit it to the rooster head but he missed him.

Shaking his head he quickly got his phone out and started to play games. It was something to do to pass the time.


Once the pudding head was off the subway he started trudging back home, his focus was on his phone so he didn't take any notice of the person walking towards him until...

"Hey Kenma!"

The voice startled the third year and the phone almost slipped out his hands. He froze in his tracks as he looked towards the figure.

"How's third year life treating you?" Kuroo asked smiling, "It's Prom soon right?"

"Kuroo." Annoyed Kenma frowned but then sighed and relented, he started walking again at a slower pace. "Yes its almost Prom...How's college?"

"It's alright. A bit lonely without you around but your'll be graduating soon right?" The rooster head asked falling into step, "Which college you going to?"

"The one closest. So probably the same one as you..."

"Ay we'll be together again."

The boys walked in a comfortable silence, it was like old times when they use to walk back from Nekoma together.

"Soooo you bringing Shrimpy to Prom? As your date?" Rooster head asked, "You really should it's a chance in a lifetime!"

~ Kenhina Oneshots ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora