Chapter 6.1

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Eight more days passed, and I remained in that lone cabin, making weird escape plans, missing my family and crying.

I could say so because I knew that Uncle Benjamin and dad would leave no stones unturned to find me out, and I knew that they had already invaded many of the rebel societies. I wonder what was taking them so long to find me out.

These people were not like the , at least that's what I could learn from my regular visits to the washroom. They were there, staying like a family, laughing, working, living in their own world. But when it came to letting me go, they were always on edge.

Life was boring for me since they mostly kept me inside the small room, all locked up, and only taken to the bathroom thrice per day. I used to lie on the dirty bed, staring up at the small square, and saw how light dimmed from morning to evening. Foods were given to me three times a day, and Dylan and Nicole took their turns to feed me. Nicole hated me as usual, claiming that I was a wastage of time and supply and that I should be left in the jungle at night to fend for myself. I never reacted much, but really hoped that they would give me a knife or a fork at least one of these days, so that I could scoop her eyes out. Dylan was not that much friendly anymore, and kept his distance. He even tactfully dodged a few of my questions.

Daniel was nowhere near my cabin anymore. But Mel visited me regularly, and did some small checkups. She said she was happy that my wounds had healed and was sealing shut, but seemed more weirded out by my fast recovery. She did probe me for some blood tests quite a few times, and I got panic attack and almost had seizures, causing her to dismiss the idea every time.

No one mentioned the girl they had killed, and I could never muster the courage to ask. I was just happy to be alive, and was seriously started to doubt their motive of keeping me here. Were they going to keep me hostage and let me vanquish their supplies like this? Were they the angels in the story or were they the monsters?

I thought about Daniel and Nicole, and I settled for the latter.

Finally on the tenth day, the perfect opportunity came for me.

I was lying on my bed with my eyes closed, when Dylan entered with the food tray. I heard Nicole call him from behind, and I kept silent and acted asleep.

"How did that happen?" Dylan asked.

"No idea! Daniel's out for supplies and we can't really go on without water for two days! You have to look at it!" Nicole said in a voice that I had never heard coming out of her mouth.

"I'll check it once I am done here," Dylan whispered back. Nicole said something shrilly that sounded like a complain, but Dylan shooed her away.

He left the tray on the table and hurried away, thinking that I was truly asleep. I got up, had my food, and decided that it was finally time to make a move. My legs were in pretty good condition now, and I believed that I would be able to run a long way if I tried carefully.

I sat on the bed and kept rocking with excitement. Now all I needed was someone to come and visit me. The plan was simple. Their washroom had a draping over the walls instead of a solid ceiling, and if I could manage, I would be able to climb the walls and be gone from there. The bathroom was at a corner of the establishment and no one would be able to detect me if I was a little careful. And with the water problem, their attention was obviously divided. There cannot be a better chance for me to escape.

Thankfully, the dumbest one decided to pay a visit. Mel poked her head into the cabin, and gave me a lopsided smile.

"Good to see that you ate everything," she told me, swinging her blue bag in her hands.

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