I Couldn't Think of a Good Title

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  September 25th, 2020. So last night I had a strange dream.

  I was watching T.V. with Mom and my older brother. The show was similar to a reality show. Strangely, Joe Elliott from Def Leppard and Princess Diana was on the show. I asked Mom how does she have the time to be royalty and  a actress?

  So this is when it gets weird, Tommy Lee, drummer of Motley Crew came out of nowhere! Joe, two pretty women, and Diana were sitting on the couch when Tommy wildly appear on a rail above them!

  He introduced himself and being the bad boy he is; he jumped down and slide right between the two girls, putting his arms around them.

  So the girls saw something peeping underneath his shirt and noticed he was wearing lingerie! They screamed and backed away from him while he laughed!


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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