Chapter 11: Aftermath

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"The most profound things can only be expressed through simplicity."


Distant sounds of the whirring air conditioner in the dimly lit room, graced only by the incandescence of sunlight fighting its way through the thin curtains behind a grilled window separating the outside world from theirs could be heard in the background. And along this scatter of white noise, a voice.

Sleepy eyes flutter open as a young lad sees a pretty girl sitting by the window sill looking back at him with the sweetest smile he's seen in a while - a smile so earnestly innocent, the boy thought it felt nauseating. "You better wipe that stupid grin off your face before I puke, sister." the boy said.

"Oh come on, Damon! Can't I just be glad you're finally awake?" she says in playful retaliation.

The two laugh as he, Damon Pear, sits up on his bed, the cozy white blanket sheets brushing against his skin as he pushes them aside, standing up and making his way towards Samantha that was still looking at him so fondly. He pats her head as her smile only widens, showing a few of her front teeth in the aftermath.

Damon looks out the window and he sees guards patrolling along a beautiful tree-lined path, tall walls of grey encasing the entire premise as if to keep them away from the cruel reality that was waiting for them outside, and huge barbwires that were probably electrically charged decorated the top of those walls like pretty garlands along the fireplace on Christmas day.

It was a beautiful day today, the sun was shining in the midst of a crystal sky blue canvas and the birds could be heard chirping along to sweet song of their own. Damon breathes and takes in this scenic view before a knock would be heard echoing throughout their quiet room.

Samantha giggles and Damon sighs, closing his eyes for a mere few seconds to collect himself and then proceeds to walk towards the door, his hand slowly encasing the cold silver door knob as he twists it carefully and reveals a man in a lab coat to greet him. "Yes?" Damon says.

"I'm glad to see you and your sister are awake Mr. Pear." the doctor at the door replies, "The two of you have been called to come in. Are you ready make your statements?"

"Yes, please!" Samantha pipes excitedly from the back. Damon puts on a small sly grin as Samantha runs towards the door and the two of them are now following an unknown doctor as he leads them down an empty corridor.

Soon they reach a room with a one-way window so the Pear twins don't see what's beyond and what seems to be an officer awaits them inside. They sit across that officer in front of a short rectangular wooden table with a nearly inefficient light bulb hanging atop in the center from the ceiling, and the officer starts, "Do you swear to say the truth, only the truth, and nothing more but the truth?"

"Yes, sir." the twins say in unison.

"Alright, remember, you two - you're both now under oath. Any false testaments may end you up in jail."

"Well, we're already going to juvy anyway, would it matter?" Damon says as he sits back laxedly on his seat. The officer scoffs at the younger's demeanor and eyes his sister as she only sits so mannerly on her seat with an eerie placid smile plastered across her face, cheeks stained in a healthy tint of pink and lips so filled with a vivid natural colour.

The officer starts off with an introduction, confirms the twins' identities, and later asks them to start with their story telling all the way from the top, only, this version had nothing to hide. They both speak as if singing a duet, unironically taking turns like they've rehearsed this scene countless times in the past and the smiles on their faces never faltered, not even in the least bit.

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