"If only I wasn't a...nuper, then maybe I wouldn't feel as stupid as I do right now" Audrey said quietly looking down at her hands, Charlie gave her a small shove and as she looked up he began to smile.

"I'm getting the pie with chips, I'll get you the same. Don't be frightened by the look of the chips, they're a bit wonky but taste really good!" Charlie said as he stood up and began to walk towards a small counter that was connected to a long glass display case on its left, Audrey looked to see all sorts of snacks and treats in the display cases along with a glass door display fridge to the right containing yogurts and strange-looking drinks.

Audrey enjoyed the dinner she had with Charlie and as he walked her back to her room it was getting dark, but Audrey barely noticed as she laughed with him about the chips and how they had made fun of them in the refectory.

As Audrey and Charlie walked to back to her room, they opened the door to see a young girl sitting on the bed opposite of Audrey's painting her toe nails a green colour. She had tan skin with dark brown hair that was braided, as she looked up her dark eyes met Audrey and a small squeal exited her mouth.

"You must be my new roommate! Your name is Audrey, I looked at the bag tag...sorry I was curious." She said waddling over in fear of ruining her nails.

She gave Audrey a tight hug before waddling back to her bed and sitting on the edge of it inspecting her toe nails, Audrey had a wide grin on her face and felt at ease that her roommate was somewhat friendly.

"Audrey, this is Bella Pidden" Charlie said as he chuckled and shook her head at the girl who was appeared to busy with her emerald green coloured nails than Charlie's voice.

"You can leave now Charles" Bella said as she looked up at him and stuck her tongue out in a teasing way.

"Ew Charles?" Audrey chuckled as she sat on her bed looking at Charlie who rolled his eyes and tried his hardest to keep a straight face.

"Yea Charles, Mr big-man's favourite little bird" Bella said as she looked up at Audrey and giggled.

"Okay well, goodnight ladies!" Charlie replied. Before he walked towards the door he gave Audrey a smile and motioned his finger in circles near his head while mouthing the words "crazy" and glancing over at Bella.

Audrey bit her lip to stop herself from giggling as she gave Charlie a small wave before he left. As soon as the door shut and Audrey began to take off her shoes, Bella looked up at her and gave her a big smile.

"So, you must be a solis prodigy. Like me, but you're a nuper. Honestly, there's nothing even wrong with being a nuper so if anyone tries to say it as an insult tell me who and I'll give them a famous Bella Pidden backhand slap" She said as Audrey chuckled, she couldn't help but already feel strangely comfortable around this young girl she had just met.

Bella Pidden was a solis prodigy who although could control her temper, would not let anyone use that an excuse to pick on her. She was smart in a witty sort of way and did rather well in classes without really trying, she didn't like many people and often struggled to get along with girls her age. Bella belonged to the Pidden Family, a wealthy group of solis prodigies, and an only child. Bella was kind when people showed her vulnerability and was only helpful when she deemed necessary, besides that she seemed playful and sarcastic but also not someone you would want to mess with.

"This room is quite nice, and I love that colour Bella" Audrey said as she looked at Bella tightening the brush cap of her small green nail polish.

Bella gave Audrey a smile before asking, "Do you want to paint your nails?"

Audrey began to shake her head and smile saying, "No, no it's okay I..."

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