plot explaination

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Since i didnt get to finish this story due to unmotivation. I am going to be explaining the whole thing, the start, the plot and the ending. What i have in mind could be a little triggering, so please if you can't handle major character death click off and never look back.

The start: it all started when Mega approached Zelk with a discord message and honestly, it was the most cliche thing ever. it had no flavour at all but i decided to keep it in since i had nothing in mind at that time. Mega spoke, Zelk was shock, They met up, Mega cried and fainted. blah blah blah boom Mega made the worst decision he could ever did.

The near-ending: Mega was back in his hometown and met ivy (a.k.a Zelk's "sister") they chatted and his cousin, Natalia, happened to be very close to Ivy. He spend a night at Ivy's place and went to pick Zelk at the airport the next day. Idk what happened to him but Zelk was a total bitch in this book. He couldn't control his anger such and such.

The ending: if i ever continued this book it wouldv'e ended with the aunt running away and zelk somehow falling into an incurable sickness, fatal familial insomnia, as it would also explains why Zelk had eyebags in future chapters. 


Because why not? it's fun to write some angst once in a while. My older books were all borinfg love stories that had no plot.


Mega and Zelk ofc!

the title? 

I never mentioned this to anyone but the reason i made the title "Together Forever" was to indicate how much they loved eachother and how long they'll be with each other, which is forever if you're that clueless. 

the cat.? 

Casper was supposed to be my old pet cat that died from drowning but it had nothing to do with being boiled to death what-so-ever. Fly high king, i'll miss you.

Thank you very much for reading Together Forever until the end! 

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