Chapter 5

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Things you do to get my attention. Smh
1:39 p.m.

Do you want to? I can cancel if you want
1:40 p.m.

Fineeee. Can I bring my cousin tho?
1:40 p.m.

Sure, I don't care
I'll pick you guys up at 8
1:41 p.m.

Mega who had already finished eating his food look over to Natalia. 'The fuck she's smiling for?' he thought to himself, half annoyed, half curious.

"Go take a shower and quit staring at me!" Natalia shouted. Mega rolled his eyes. He got up and went to shower.


Mega laid down on his bed, bored. Then, he remembered about his laptop. 'Maybe I can play Minecraft or something' he thought to himself.

He search for his backpack. "What are you looking for?" Natalia asked. Mega kept quiet. "Alright fine, I won't help you" Natalia mumbled.

Mega finally finds his backpack. He opens and took out his laptop together with his wireless mouse. He opened Minecraft and went to Invaded.

'Meh. Let me check which staff is online' he thought to himself. 'Zelk's online' he half smiled, though, it's not visible because he was wearing his scarf that somehow has the same colour with his green shirt.

He sighed. He logged off Invaded before Zelk notices he is online. He decided to create a survival world and have fun with it.

Natalia notices how his little cousin is acting and decided to say something. "Que faites-vous?" Natalia spoke, knowing that her cousin is not very fluent in French. "What?" Mega look over. "Êtes-vous sourd?" Natalia mocked.

"Stop playing. You know I don't understand french very much!" Mega scolds his cousin. Natalia giggled. "Sorry, hehe" Natalia apologize. "What are you playing?" Natalia asked.

"A game"

"What kind of game?"

"A block game"



"Did you just invite me to play Minecraft with you?" Natalia quirk an eyebrow. "If you want to join then sure" Mega replied. "Yay! My little cousin invited me to play with him" Natalia jump like a kid. "How old are you again?" Mega smirked. "Stop judging me" Natalia rolled her eyes.

At 8 pm

"Dude I forgot to tell you" Natalia look over. "Hm?" Mega groaned. "We're going to hang out tonight" Natalia said, excitedly. "Just the two of us?" Mega asked. "Ew, no. We're going with a friend of mine" Natalia sticks out her tongue. "I didn't agree to anything" Mega crossed his arm.

"If you want to stay here with that evil bitch then, I don't mind"

"Fine, I'll go with you and this friend of yours"


"Stop. Acting. Like. A. Kid"

"I can do whatever I want"

Mega frown and continues to finish his farm in Minecraft.


Natalia check her phone to see who texted her.

I'm here. Are you and your cousin ready?
8:01 p.m.

Natalia smiled.

"Mega c'mon! She's here!"

A/N: If the French is wrong don't blame me, blame Google
Also according to Google it translates to
"What are you doing?"
"Are you deaf?"

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