The ride to the gated community is quiet, but Prentiss makes the mistake of asking Spencer about Star Trek—something he'll spend hours talking about if someone lets him. Morgan parks the car and Spencer continues his sentence as he gets out.

"Well the fact of the matter is, 'beam me up, Scotty' was never actually said. The closest they ever got was 'Scotty, beam us up' in The Gamesters of Triskelion and The Savage Curtain episodes, but interestingly enough—"

"Reid, Reid—come on. Give it a rest," Morgan says, shooting him a look.

Spencer deflates a little next to you and you reach over, rubbing his back. He hates it when people cut him off when he's rambling—and you feel bad for him. People do it all the time.

"It's okay, brainiac, I'll listen to you talk about it later," you whisper to him. "You can ramble all you want. I love it."

"I love you, Ace," he whispers back, giving you a quick kiss on the temple.

"I love you, too," you respond.

Hotch greets Detective Ruiz, the one in charge. Prentiss and Morgan decide to check out the area and the latest crime scene, and Ruiz leads everyone else into the model home you'd all be operating from for the duration of the investigation. Ruiz uncovers the evidence boards while you all sift through the paperwork.

"Everything's color coded," Rossi notices.

"Yeah, well, I'm not just the primary detective—I live in the community."

You share a look with Spencer while Ruiz continues to talk before shifting your gaze to Ashley. She's visibly uncomfortable, glancing at the evidence boards, her face solemn. It makes her think of her dad—that's your guess.

"You okay?" Spencer asks her.

She turns her head, nodding. "Yeah, yeah...let's get to work."

"If it's alright with you, I also worked up a preliminary profile," Ruiz says, taking out a notebook.

Hotch furrows his brow. "You did?"

Ruiz nods. "I took a seminar in serial crimes in Albuquerque. Twice."

"Let's hear what you've got."

"Okay..." He looks at his notes. "He's organized. He took everything to the scene, he left nothing behind. Which means he lives with a spouse or some kind of long-term partner." You glance at Spencer, his eyes trained on Ruiz. "He has a steady, skilled job. Physically, he presents himself as non-threatening, but he craves power and control, so he may have a job that gives him just that."

"Not bad," Rossi muses.

You share a look with Hotch, turning back to the paperwork in your hand.

"Unfortunately, I just described sixty-four of the seventy-one men who live here."

You stifle a sigh, your hand clenching into a fist. This case is going to be a tough one, and as much as you know this job is hard, you hate tough cases. For most of the afternoon, you and Spencer stay in the kitchen, Garcia's background checks coming through the printer.

"Brainiac, it's just a printer. It won't hurt you," you tease, grabbing the warm paper that had just printed.

"Ace, you know I hate technology," he mutters.

"I know, I know."

After a few minutes, Spencer's phone rings and he pulls it out of his pocket. "Hello?" He pauses. "Mhm, that's pretty much the main issue we're going to have here." The person on the other end, Garcia, you presume, continues. "No, it does not." He punctuates the sentence with a frown and a sigh. "Bye, Garcia."

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