Chapter 2

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"But that doesn't mean you can freely meet with Owen."

You stood quiet.You knew it,but there's nothing else you can do..You need to help your grandfather.

Nozel and you turned your head as you heard a loud coming front the maindoor.Nozel quickly rushed to it.So do you.

You saw a dirty purple haired-man,with his left eye covered by something.You saw a few of dead corpses behind him

"Aha!!I know Fuegoleon is here!!Let me finish him quickly!" That man said,laughing

"Step over my dead body first!!" Nozel shouted,you can feel he's angry.

That man laughed evilly

"Me,Rades are going to destroy the Clover Kingdom and kill all of you!!" That man,known as Rades laughed again

Nozel smirked.

He launched his spells on that man,but his magic quickly defend him.

' what a weird magic' you mumbled to yourself.

Rades smiled evilly

"You cant defeat my toy.Number 0!!" Rades shouted while summoning his corpse that was called 0.

0 attacked Nozel and he seems shocked.It was too fast as a lighting.He widened his eyes

"HAHAHA!I dont even fight,and i can win just from watching" Rades laughed evilly.

The number 0 was about to attack Nozel.Fortunately,you defend it using your water magic.

"Tch.." Nozel said.

"I see you have insanely huge amount of mana" Rades smiled evilly.

You smirked.You launched your creation magic that your grandfather teached you.It was a seadragon spell.

Rades widened his eyes,and before he could do anything, your spells hit him hard.

Nozel seems shocked too

"N-no way!!You're just a peasant, there's no way you could cast such a powerful spell!" Rades shouted,his blood boiling.

"I'll come back,and kill all of you!" Rades screamed,while running away.

You looked at Nozel,he's clearing his throat

"If i were you,i wouldn't let him escape" He said,standing up

"Say the captain that got defeated by Rades  by just one spell" You said,kind of irritated by his arrogance

"I see you have a powerful mana.It is impossible for you to have such magic.What a waste" He said, glaring at you.

You didnt really care.What do you need right now is the cure for your grandfather.Now where the hell is Owen?

You sat on a chair,waiting for Owen as he suddenly appeared with a small potions in his hand.

"This is it,[Name]" He gave you and you took it quickly.You gave him some coins and you're ready to left.

"Wait.." You turned as you heard Nozel

"What is it.Im running out of time" You said.You need to go back home quickly.

"Why don't you join my squad?I can't let such a powerful magic go into a waste" He said,walking to you.

"I cant.I need to take care of my grandfather.As i said,im running out of time.Gotta go" You replied and in just a few seconds,you disappeared.


You arrived at your home.Feeling relieved,you pushed the door and smiled.You holded the potions tightly,walking to your grandfather's room.

"Hello grandfather,im back" You said excitedly, hugging your grandfather.He was reading some book infront of the fireplace.

"[Name].I already told you to not go there.You're grounded" Grandfather said,you knew he's been worried sick about you.

You didnt really care about your punishment.You'll do anything to protect him.

"Here..Please drink this potion after dinner." You said, smiling widely

Your grandfather sighed

"Fine.Put it inside cabinet" He said and you nodded

You walked to your bedroom, smiling happily.A while later you drifted off into a peaceful sleep after a long journey.


You slowly opened your eyes,yawning.You looked at the clock.Its almost dinner so you stood up and strecthed,walking to the kitchen to prepare the dinner.

You're thinking about making some salad for dinner.You dont really like vegetables,though

Finished,you put them on the dining table as usual.

Suddenly you heard a knock.You rushed to the door and opened it.

You widened your eyes as you saw the familliar figure infront of you.


Man i love Nozel and Fuegoleon arrrhhh

Anyways,dont forget to vote and comment some ideas.

Also, idk why but Nozel is not that strong in this chapter lmao forgive me~

~author_chan ✿

Status: edited

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