God damnit I was in a state, I felt down and out and at this moment I felt confused as fuck and to top it off I missed Brandon more than anything, I missed him so much I wanted him to hold me and tell me that everything would be fine, I felt a certain calm when I was around him, he gave me solitude and what happened just broke my heart. I had never ever seen that side of him. I had seen calm Brandon, Happy Brandon, Silly Brandon, Naughty Brandon. Ive seen sweet Brandon, Brandon in charge, Brandon the Alpha, Never had I seen Brandon the terrible, the monster, the torturer and after experiencing that I felt hurt, hurt but also remorseful. I felt sad for him, I mean something had to have happened for him to end up like that right? Something very upsetting and life changing right? Plus I felt bad for leaving like that, sure he hurt me, but maybe I should have tried talking to him, find out what birthed that monster in him, surely he isn't that bad right?

"Scarlett Come on you're doing it again, What is going on  talk to me please."

"I need to go"

"Hey hey" he said lifting my face "whatever it is you're going through, you don't have to go through alone, I'm here now, I will protect you." He said embracing me in a hug holding on tightly, I felt Sabrina scream as if she was burning she even wanted to come out, I didn't understand why, William was my friend, why would she react like that?
I ignored her hugging my friend back and she just kept fighting. I wanted to tell Spirit to calm her down, but I don't want to mess with that one I never know what it's up to.

"I should go"

"What? Go where?"

"Home." I said getting up and he did the same. I looked at him and gave him another hug.

"I need to go home." I whispered into his ear pulling away from him and he looked very confused. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you around. And Thanks for...um, listening."

"Anytime." He said walking me to my car

It was a quiet drive back and to be honest the journey just seemed to take longer.

The car came to a sudden stop as I hastily stepped on the breaks noticing a figure in the middle of the road standing right in front of the car. I turned the headlights on  but I didn't get out of the car, infact I locked all the doors and checked to see if all the windows were closed, I was actually very scared. Something about this figure felt off and it gave off a very heavy and dark energy, it stood there staring straight at me and all I could see were red glowing eyes inside a hoodie then all of a sudden it was gone and my heart was pounding crazily in my Chest. I stepped on the brakes and sped off not stopping for anything, going to the one place I swore never to step foot in again.



"What the hell Ace you were supposed to have something solid for me today!! Why am I not hearing good news? Why the Fyvk am I yelling??"I asked slapping my useless second in command right across his foolish brainless Face.

"I...I'm sorry Boss.. I sent Sebastian to spy on them but I think he got caught because I haven't heard from him since and there is absolutely no trace of him on the trail or on the Shadow of the night Territory."

"You-fucking-moron!" I said crushing the whisky glass that was in my hand.
"So because your incompetent mutt decided to disappear, you saw it fit to put MY mission on  hold in search of that?  Huh?" I asked taking slow steps towards him while he slowly backed away from me.

I didn't have time, none whatsoever and nobody seemed to understand how important this is to me, how important getting that seventh spirit will be for me, the power, the immortality, the fear that I will instill in all these mortals, I will rule over every peasant that walks this miserable earth and not even the moon goddess will be able to stop me then, I will be just as strong as she is, our strength will be matched and then she will pay for ever giving me that stupid spirit while the others got the better ones.

"I... Sor_ry...I'm sorry boss..." I heard Ace coughing driving me out of my thoughts, I didn't realize that by now I had my hand wrapped around his neck my fingers now digging into his skin drawing blood.

I dropped him and he fell down coughing a mess.

"Get up" I commanded Walking back to my desk and he did so holding on to his chest greedily taking in all the air he could.

Useless mutts, once I get my full powers I should be able to kill this fools, I can't be surrounded by such stupidity.

"We can't keep wasting time, we've wasted enough already. I want you to scare the girl."

"I,,,,I don't think I follow sir."

"Of course you don't. I want you to make an appearance to the luna. Haunt her, instill fear in her, make her realize that nightmares are real and hers are more haunting."

"B-b-but, if I may ask sir, Why don't we just Kidnap the Luna and take that power from her, why all this waiting when we have found her?"

"It's like you hear nothing I say Ace? She needs to use it, The Spirit of Protection, she needs to use it and Unleash it's full potential before I can take it from her. Which is why my dear Ace, we must keep haunting her until she decides she wants to face her demons and fight."

"Plus I want to see that useless Alpha Brandon's face when I take everything from him. Literally He has made one of my own suffer and to him the favor shall be returned ten times in fold."

"Don't worry boss I know exactly what to do.!" He said smiling deviously.

"Well? Why are you still here then?" I barked and he ran out.

I sat down trying to calm myself. I looked at my hands and I could feel that I was getting weaker by the day infact by the damn second all this powers were useless without the seventh one to complete the process

Maybe it's time to Do it again, I mean it worked before. I can't afford to lose my strength and my powers after all the sacrifices I have made.

Over my dead body.




It's a short Chapter I know but I hope it's not too bad  right

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