Chapter 24 - Unbroken Bond.

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“You owe her an apology, Roc.” You said in a serious tone. “I know that you left her for me, but you left her in front of her family. You left her after you both put money into what was supposed to be a nice wedding. And i’m not saying that to kiss her ass, but if that was me, I would be pissed. And you have to understand where her father is coming from too. If someone left our son like that, we would feel the same way.”

“I know. I know.” Roc mumbled.

“And not only that, but your clothes are over there. You better hurry before she burns them!” You laughed.

“Yeah. I think that i’ll do that in a few hours.” Roc said.




“I’m glad that we fought each other that one day when we came back with the groceries.” Roc said. “If it wasn’t for the jail visit, I don’t think that we would appreciate each other like we do now. We didn’t appreciate each other enough before that, and it took for us to spend 2 months apart to realize that we need each other more than we think. Just think about that.”

“That’s deep, babe. That’s totally true. I definitely agree with you.” You said nodding your head. Roc smiled at you, leaned up and gave you another kiss, and went into his room to put on a jogging suit.

“I’m gonna go apologize to Kiloni.” Roc said. “It’s only right.”

Roc had drove to Kiloni’s house, and walked inside. He seen her on the couch crying with a pillow on her stomach, as she looked at him in complete rage. He felt bad for the way things went down, and he knew that he should’ve handled it way different than how he did.

“Get out of my house, Roc!” Kiloni yelled with her bloodshot red eyes. “Get out! Just get out! I hate you and you’re gonna rot in hell for this I swear you are!”

“Kiloni can I just talk to you for two seconds!”

“No! Get out! Get OUT!” She screamed as she pushed and shoved him wildly and violenty.

“Kiloni stop!” He said holding her arms. “Just let me talk to you for two seconds!”

Roc had sat Kiloni down as she looked at him with a furious face, and her fists balled. She had on nothing but a white tank top, and her underwear. Her dress, was in the corner of the house. Sprawled onto the floor.

“I just wanted to say that I truly apologize for the way I handled things-“

“Of course!” Kiloni shouted in an outburst. “You’re gonna say sorry a billion times, then leave like nothing just happened!”

“No. I wasnt and i’m not.” Roc said softly. “I wanted you to know, that i’m going to refund you the full $7,000 that we paid for the wedding. I’m also going to mail you some extra money, just to spend for a vacation for yourself to forget all of this. I just….I got my memory back.”

“So you remember everything about (Y/N), huh?”

“Yeah. I didn’t want to leave you before the wedding because I knew that you’d be hurt, but once I realized who (Y/N) was, I couldn’t leave her. Me and her have way too much history. We’ve known each other since the 6th grade, we have a child together, and it was just too much.”

“Well you didn’t have to dump me in front of my family and friends.” She snarled.

“I know and i’m sorry.” He sighed. “If you don’t mind, i’d like it if we could stay close friends. I didn’t mean to hurt you in no sort of way, and i’d rather us be friends then to just say sorry and leave you for good.”

Snapped!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon