Chapter 3 - Sonya.

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You watched 2 police officers grab Roc by his arms, and began to tug him away. Even though he was only going away for 2 months, it felt like years. And being with Roc for a majority of your time, it was definitely going to feel lonely. You’d abandoned a lot of your friends for him, (other than Stacy and the rest.) and you were going to be left with no social life.

“I promise I’ll visit you every visiting day!” You shouted to Roc as you watched the officers tug him away. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, babe.” Roc said turning to you, then fading away into the dark doors.

3 hours later, Roc was booked into the county jail during lunchtime. He had to run his finger prints through the system so if he escaped, officers will be able to track him down and make sure he didn’t get too far. The officers allowed him to go free for lunch, and then he was ordered to be at the front by a certain time so he could be escorted to his cell.

Not knowing anyone in the jail, Roc noticed that there was a great amount of people staring at him. He looked at everyone back, and wasn’t intimidated. He walked and stood in the lunch line to get his tray of food. The cook handed him a tray with a sloppy Joe sandwich, jello that had a long piece of hair in the middle, and a carton of chocolate milk.

“5 minutes for lunch!!” The cook yelled with her raspy voice.

“Hell no. I’m not eating any of this shit.” Roc thought as he brought his tray of food to an empty table. But sadly, he hadn’t ate in forever. He looked at the food, picked up a spoon, and scooped a dent into the jello. He’d began to put it in his mouth, before throwing the spoon back down. He refused to put any of that food in his mouth.

Suddenly, a Latino woman walked over to him, and sat down in front of him. She had dark red hair, she was short (a fair 5’4), she had a small mole over her mouth, and was a caramel color. Everyone in the jail found her extremely attractive, but Roc didn’t. He didn’t think she was ugly, but her beauty was nothing compared to yours. Your looks completely towered over hers.

“Are you gonna eat that?” She said pointing at his tray.

“You can have this shit.” Roc said moving his tray towards her. “I refuse to eat any of this food.”

“How long are you going to be in here?”

“2 months.”

“Wow.” She laughed. “You can’t go 2 months without eating food. You’ll die in here.”

“I’d rather rot and let the flies eat me for dinner than to eat this ‘so called’ food.” Roc said in a serious tone.

“Ha-ha. When you’re put in here, you’ll learn to appreciate this food. And it’s sloppy joe day! Everyone came in here and said what you said, and they gave in. Look at everyone.” The girl laughed as she pointed at everyone. Roc turned around and seen everyone devouring their plates. He was absolutely disgusted.

“Well, I’m different.” Roc said, being in total denial.

“You’re funny.” The girl smiled as she put her hand out. “I’m Sonya.”

“Chrestanto.” Roc said, shaking her head. “But everyone calls me Roc.”

“Nice to meet you, Roc.”

Roc sighed, looked around the whole entire cafeteria, and looked back at the girl.

“So why are you in here, Sonya?” He laughed. “You stole a teddy bear or something?”

“Actually, I cut my boyfriend.” Sonya said, correcting him. “His pussy ass called the police on me. It’s whatever.”

“I don’t blame him.” Roc snarled, and laughed. “The hell are you cutting me for? I would’ve knocked your ass out.”

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