Chapter 8 - Signs of love making.

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Out of all the fights that you and Roc got into, there was nothing as bad as this one. And the worst part is, you couldn’t tell if Sonya was lying or not, because you’ve never had a period, baby, or any of those things that you wanted. 

“What the fuck, Sonya?!” Roc shouted to her. “Why did you just like to (Y/N) like that?”

“I’m not lying. I actually am pregnant.” Sonya lied.

“Well it isn’t my child and I know that for a fact.” He said angrily. “I never had sex with you and you know it.”

“It was probably because you were half asleep, that’s why.” Sonya said, shaking her head at him.

“What do you mean?”

“When we did it, you were half asleep. I unlocked your cell and everything.” She lied once again. “We both wanted it, and we did it. But since I woke you up out of your sleep and everything, you probably don’t remember.”

Roc had stared at her with a angry, yet serious look, then looked down.

“You mean, we had sex while I was half asleep?”

“Yeah. I kind of figured that you wouldn’t remember it because you were dozing off a majority of the time.”

“When did this happen?”

“The day you left (Y/N) or whatever her name is.”

Roc was dumb founded. He didn’t know if she was lying, or telling the truth. Simply because he had multiple horrible cases of him not being able to remember anything when he was half woke.

“Well, I’m gonna go to my cell now.” She said, cracking a small smile. “I guess we can discuss this parent thing later.”

Roc didn’t want to believe her, nor did he. He stood there and thought of a plan to get the truth out of her. He wanted to find a way that she would confess, and leave him alone. Roc knew how mad you were, but he didn’t want to call you and check up on you until he figured out how he was going to clear the way.

And he knew exactly how he was going to do it.

The next day, Roc woke up early to have his daily breakfast with Sonya. He walked to his table and seen her sitting there eating day old bacon and eggs, sat next to her, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He looked at her, and put his arm around her. He wanted to make her feel like he totally adored her.

“Hey baby.” Roc said, staring at her.

“Hey sexy.” She said, smirking at you.

“So, about that other boyfriend you had. Didn’t you say that he called you a ‘bitch’?” He said, putting on a fake angry face.

“Yep. And I cut his ass.” Sonya growled.

“Well, what’s his number?” Roc asked. “I want to give him a piece of my mind.”

“414-876-3014.” She said. “And tell him that I hate him!”

“Alright I got you.” Roc said, getting up.

He rushed to the check out desk of the jail and asked one of the guards could he place a call. He did, and they escorted him to the booth that he always called you on. He quickly dialed the number, and waited as the phone rang.

“Hello?” A man with a highly raspy voice said, answering the phone.

“Is this Sonya’s ex – boyfriend?” Roc asked.

“Yes. Who the hell is this?”

“It doesn’t matter. What I need you to do, is come up to the jail and bring her flowers.”

Snapped!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora