chapter 6

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It had been 2 hours since they boarded the plane a did lift off. They were reaching london in ten minutes thanks to the hyper speed of the jet. Once they reached the deployment area, they would need to jump out and land using parachutes. Well, damien, nightwing and batman needed to.

They were nearing their last minute in the jet. Things were getting tense. Soon It was 30 seconds before they reached the deployment area.

"Everyone get ready." Nightwing said as the rear of the plane opened.

They were now over the deployment area. Every one jumped out. The 3 simple humans used their parachutes while the rest flew.

Superman, starfire, raven and cyborg gracefully glided to the floor, while wonderwoman crashed into the floor, nailing a super hero landing. The flash appeared out of no where. And beastboy came headfirst towards the ground with his wings exposed but tucked together to generate higher speed. Seconds before he hit the ground he spread his red devil wings out, and used them as a parachute. He landed on the floor.

They waited for 3 people to land aswell.

"Hey. I saw that landing you did. Ya nailed it." Raven said to beastboy.

"You didnt do so bad your self darlin'" beastboy replied.

"So then what's the plan?" She asked.

"I was hoping you'd know." He laughed.

"Wow. I'm kind of scared to ask Robin the plan. He would think we weren't listening."

"I know I wasnt. But dont worry he will explain it again." Beastboy says, as they all get together.

"Do you remember that time when I found you balled up on floor of the bathroom. You were shaking in anger. And I asked you what's wrong." She asked quietly.

"Yes. And I was silent." He said, sadly.

"But after sometime you told me, you wanted to kill the demons." She said.

"Right. I did say that." He smiled sadly.

"I understand what you meant now." She said soothingly.

"Heh. You know I also remember you hugging me that night. Showing the caring side of yourself."

She playfully hit his shoulder. And scoffed.

"Ok guys, listen up." Nightwing announced. "The plan is- " he was cut off.

"The plan is we all split up and we try to find slade." Batman rudely cut Robin off. "I will go with superman and flash. Nightwing will go with star fire and cyborg. Wander woman will go with raven and Garfield. Damien can come with me."

The heroes separated to small groups, all in groups of the people they was assigned with.

"Okay. Titans go!" Nightwing yelled. They all went separate ways in attempts to locate slade.

It had been 4 hours of searching for slade, and nobody had any information on him.

Beastboys group checked the final apartment building. They knocked every door until they reached the top. They were at the final door on the top floor.

Wonderwoman knocked the door. Beastboys nose twitched to the scent leaving that room.

"Can you smell that?" He asked, using his animal senses to identify the smell.

"Ummm.... no not really.... " raven said.

"Its drugs." He said seriously.

He moved wander woman out of his way and kicked the door open. He walked into the room aggressively.

Inside the room, there was 5 young men.

"Oi. Whose this wanker?" Said one of the lads.

"I dunno. Cap him!" Said the geezer.

One of the guys pulled out a pistol. He aimed at beastboy with a shakey hand and he hesitated.

"What are you waiting for... SHOOT ME!" He yelled.

The guy was startled and he presses the trigger sending a bullet into beastboys head.

There was a loud metal ringing from the bullet ritchocheting off beastboys skull. And yet, the devil was unfazed.

Raven and wanderwomen were surprised, thinking the bullet actually harmed beastboy. The thugs were even more surprised when beastboy chuckled.

"Foolish mortals and their foolish creations." He said.

Beastboy quickly, but swiftly moved towards the man holding the gun, and he grabbed the nozzle and bent it.

The guy breathed heavily, and feared for his life. So were the other 4 men petrified.

"Hand me over the drugs, and you're free to go." He said.

The men were shaking, and threw the all the drugs they had at beastboys feet. And they hurried out. But just before they all left, beastboy grabbed the shoulder of the man who shot him.

"You're not leaving yet. You shot me." Gar said as he grabbed the guys neck aggressively.

"Hey, I think we should calm down." Wonder woman suggested.

Beastboy made eye contact with the guy, and beastboys irises glowed red and his face morphed into a scaley, horned, dark red, angry face.

The man screamed in absolute fear, as he was shook to his core. Beastboy released grip from his neck and the man dropped to the floor, and scrambled on his knees desperately and blindly trying to find the exit.

"What did you do to him?" Wander women asked.

"I gave him what he deserved." He looked at her. "Theres nothing here, let's hope the others have found something."

Beastboy walked past the two girls and was about to leave.

"Wait. We havent checked the roof yet." Raven said.

"Good idea. Come on let's go." Wonder woman said. Beastboy was to follow.

Devil Of A Beastboy Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now