Chapter 1

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It's been 3 year since beastboy had mysteriously disappeared. No one knew where he went. The titans were broken by his leaving, and so were they to this day. Titans tower never had the spark of fun that it used to without beastboy. Not that it was needed anymore. Every one matured, as they were all 20 years old now. Except cyborg, who was 21. Beastboy would've been 19.

It was a usual day in the titans tower, as usual as it had been for the last 3 years. Quiet. Raven woke up, and she walked to the toilet, not getting the excitement of racing anyone. She showered  excersized, then ate. She still couldn't think about what beastboy said to her before he left.

"Where you going?" Raven asked to beastboy.

"To Hell" He replied as he ejected his devilish wings and flew off.

To be going to hell, he must of went to a truly bad place, somewhere so devastating that it was beyond locating. They knew that because they tried to locate beastboy every day. So that left raven to think to herself with one question. What if beastboy actually went to Hell? Wich isn't possible, because according to raven, only a demon or dammed soul, or the devil could enter hell.

"Hey raven" cyborg greeted, interrupting raven from her thoughts.


"I'm just getting some toast. Would you like some?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just give me two."

"Aight. Coming A'tcha!"

Some where deep down. Like very deep down. Past the centre of the earth, below the bottom, Rigth down at hell, sat Beastboy, in his throne as king of hell. The Devil. The prince of lies, Evil incarnate. All those things he believed he was.

"Bloody Hell, this place is boring." Beastboy said to himself, finally admitting it after three years of watching dammed souls being tortured.

"I think its time I return to earth."

With those words, he ejected his mighty devilish wings, and flew away, hearing the pleading screams and cries of the demons who begged their master to stay.

Nightwing, who was Robin three years ago, walked into the living room, giving a greeting smile to all who was in the room. And then kissed his fiance. Starfire. Last to walk in was the new robin. Damian Wayne. The Grandson of a demon, and son of Bruce Wayne. He made his way to the table, and Took a seat opposite raven.

"Hey Damien." Raven kindly said.

"Good morning." He replied, in his usual weird pitched voice.

Damian, was just slightly taller than raven, skinny muscular build, and he wore the red spandex with and black cape and black underwear. The classic Robin costume.

The conversation that was about to begin was interrupted by an alert, saying someone was coming up the elevator.

"That's unusual. No one ever comes up the elevator." Cyborg said.

The suspense increased as the elevator reached the floor they were one. The door slowly opened to reveal No one other than the man himself. Beastboy.

Everyone was gobsmacked, except for damien who had no clue what was going on.

"Hi guys" beastboy said awkwardly.

It was just silence. Broken by starfire.

"Friend beastboy!" Starfire screamed in happiness as she zoomed to her long lost friend and pulled him into a bone crushing hug "Where In earth did you go?"

"Not earth." He said, making Star confused.

"Before I do anything. I feel the need to apologise." Beastboy said, making his way to damien.

"Robin, I'm sorry for the way I acted years ago. I over reacted when I found out that you where spying on me. And I didn't have to throw you into that wall. And-"

"I'm not that robin. Hes over there." He pointed to nightwing.

"Oh. That makes sense. I didn't think that Robin would've shrunk over three years." He chuckled as he went to nightwing.

"Robin, I'm sorry for the way I acted years ago. I over reacted when i found out you were spying on me. And I didn't have to throw you at the wall. And I've felt bad about it so please do forgive me."

"Uhhhh... sure." Nightwing said bewildered.

"Good. Now to all of you, except tiny Robin, I'm sorry for leaving unexpectedly for this long. I shouldve came back, but things do get busy in hell." He explained, but no one believe the bit about hell, but they did believe his apology.

Surprisingly, he was ingulfed into a hug, by raven.

"Raven." He whispered." I missed you the most." He said as he hugged her back.

Raven broke the hug. She then slapped him. Wich did nothing.

"Where did you go!" She screamed at him.

"Hell." He replied calmly.

"Stop lying" she screamed again, using her returned powers to send a vase flying into his direction.

He caught the vase effortlessly.

"Its nice to see you have your powers back." He said as he put the the vase down.

Raven calmed down and she took a breath. "I'm gonna get late for work." She said as she grabbed her bag and left.

"Work?" Beastboy asked.

"She Works with the san fransico police department, as a detective." Cyborg answered his question.

Beastboy looked Cyborg.

"Cyborg! It's nice to see you again buddy" beastboy said as he gave him a hug.

"Where did you go man? We looked for you every where!" He said.

"Its not like any of the humans believe me." He said. " Sorry but I need to make amends with raven"

"Dont worry I get it." Cy replied.

"I'm coming with you" Damien interrupted. " you've upset her once. I'm gonna make sure you dont do it again."

"I'm sorry. Who is this? A low budget robin?"

"Hes Damien Wayne. Batmans son." Nightwing answered.

"Arent you part demon?" Beastboy asked?

"My biological grand father was a demon." He replied.

Beastboy didn't say anything. He left immedealtly to find raven. He went to the SFPD Police station. He found raven working at her desk. She looked busy.

"Raven!" Beastboy said happily.

She couldn't believe someone could be so happy to see her.

"B- Beastboy." She said as she held him by his shoulder and led him outside.

"Hi. Raven" he said shyly.

"Hey..." she said to beastboy, who was looking down in shame. "I'm not mad at you anymore."

He looked up with a light in his eyes and gave her a hug.

"I'm happy that you've forgiven me." He said. "I wish I was there for you."

"Your here now." She said. "But I'm busy, tracking a murderer."

"That sounds interesting. Perhaps I can help."

"Ummm... yeah, sure. I'll see what the captain says."

Devil Of A Beastboy Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now