Wine and Whiskey💜

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ok so fforst ok lmme stfu

You stormed into the nearest bar yoh always went to with your friends, you had just broke up with your boyfriend Mitch after he had went out and straight up told you he fucked a dud last night had video of it and everything.

you knew it anyways so it didnt suprise you but you were still so pissed at his "oh, i love you" bullshit. once you got into the bar you sat down infront of the bartender as she looked at you. "seems like you had a bad day." you looked up at her and read her name tag 'Clementine' "yeah, no shit." you said as you rest your head against the palm of your hand. she raised an eyebrow and the pulled up a bottle of some type of whiskey and another bottle of wine.

"Lets make your day better okay, ill make you one of my favorite drinks. i mean you'll be the first to taste it, all j do is mix the wine and whiskey and then--" you nod your head and look at the bottle. "yeah go ahead, at this point ill take anything. she nodded and went off to mix the drinks. you tried your best not to cry you were stronger than that. why the hell would you cry pver someone you knew cheated on you for three years.

just then the bar door opened and someone walked in. "Hey clemmy." a voice said from behind you and clementine looked at her and waved. "hey vi, how's life?" she asked as the girl came and sat down next to you. with pale blonde hair and a sharp jawline with a longsleeve purple shirt on which was underneath a white t-shirt followed by black tights and black bulky sneakers.

"life shit as always." she said and they both laughed. she looked over at you now getting a full view of her face she looked cute. you didnt want to come off as weird to anybody so you waved as she did so back before you turned your head the other direction.

clementine came back with the srink as she gave it to you. "taste it let me know how i did." you picked up the glass and cautiously beought it up to your mouth expecting a foul taste from it but instead a more peachy and fruity taste settled on your tongue.

"you sure this wine and whiskey?" you ask and she nodded. "pretty sure it is." you continued to drink feeling as the cold from the drink moved fastly down your thoat. you put the cut down as you look at her, you pushed the cup to her and she smirked. "im guessing you want another one?" you were gonna say no hut hell you aint gotta go anywhere so you nod and she goes off to make another one.

the girl next to you leans over and whispers to you. "just let you know she's been here for six years, hasnt gotten herself a boyfriend yet." you look at her then nod as if you were interested but you could care less.

"what about you, dating anyone." you shrug then look down. "just broke up so." she nods them looks away. "i see." it was an akward silence after that until clem came back with the drink and a few more cups. "i know you're gonna be here a while so i made more." she gave you almost ten cups of the drink and you drank them all under a minute.

they both looked at you as you drank your last cup and set it down. you put your head down on the table as you were slowly becoming intoxicated. you groaned slightly as you kicked your feet back and forth. Clementine looked down at the girl next to you and she shrugged.

minutes passed by and you were fully intoxicated at your eyes were bloodshot red and you were crying on the girl who's name was violet's shoulder. she listened to you as you rambled on about mitch and how stupid and dumb he was.

she patted you pack as you cried more then you stopped and laughed. "w-when he almost got himself s-shot." your laughing soon turned back to crying again.

violet decided that you should go home but she knew if she asked you where you live you wouldn't know so she grabbed clems attention as she walked over to her. "i'm gonna get her a hotel im not gonna ask where she live she's too out of it." clem reched into her pocket and gave violet a fifty.

"take it, plus i owe you anyway." violet smiled as she stood up and she wrapped yur arm around her shoulder. "okay come on, i guess." you were still crying as violet wrapped her arm around your waist and walked you out of the bar.

you went silent after a while as you looked at violet not look but more like stared at her. you both got to the hotel and once she got to the fromt desk she sat you downnon a nearby chair as she walked over to the desk and you looked her up and down you didnt know if it was the alcohol kicking in or she really was starting to make you feel a certain way.

she had finished checking out a room as she walked back over to you. "okay come on lets get you in the room." she pulled you up as she decided she picks you up and carry you. she lifted you up throwing you over her shoulder.

she barely knew you and she had to carry you and buy a hotel room for you what else could happen next.

she carried you to the room once she got there she unlocked the door and she closed it as she stepped in. she layed you down on the bed. with the intoxication takingnover you pulled her down on top of you as she put her hands on the bed her eyes widen from the sudden movement. "i- um.." she tried to get up but you pulled her closer.

"look im just here because i dont want you walking home but doing this.. i dont know." she said as she removed your hands from her shirt and she sat up. "once you sober up i'll make sure you shower. you reek of alchohol you nearly spilled all those cups all over you." you rolled your eyes and turned around in the bed.

she looked over at you then smirked. "its funny we dont even know each other that well and its just weird.." she sat on the bed next to yours and laied back. "rest for a while and after ill help you take care of yourself." she said and you grunted in response. you soon hears soft snoring as you turned and seen violet sleep. you were gonna get up as you steped foot on the floor but when you stood you stumbled you then turned back to violet to seeif that caused her to wake up.

it didnt so you walked over to her bed and sloely climbed on top of her and straddled her she still didnt wake up you started taking off her shirt as you started with her white tshirt. she moved slightly but didnt wake up. you giggled and smirked before taking off her purple long sleeve as she was only left in her black lace bra her breast weren't all that big. you disnt know why you were doing this, you wouldnt just  do something to someone without their consent but you weren't fully sobered up.

while you were staring at her body you heard violet chuckle from under you. "you thought i was actually sleep?" your eyes widen as she pulled you down and kissed you softly. you being too shocked to even do anything just let it happened. she pulled away then you felt someone shaking you, you looked around and seen no one. the you heard violets voice. "hey, ah shit... Hey!"

your eyes shot open as you sat up quickly. 'wasnt i just..' you thought then you realised it was just a dream. you rolled your eyes as she looked at you. "um.. we cant stay in this room long but uh... i never got your name." she said and you sighed. "y/n." she nodded and the she turned to the bathroom. "well the shower is ready get in whenever you like." you got up and you head straight to the bathroom.

you sighed as you began to feel your head start pounding you tried your best to ignore it as you lifted your shirt over your head and set it down by the counter. why the hell would she buy a room for you when she doesn't even know me. you thought to yourself then you thought she might be that nice enough to do it, but that weird ass dream you just had was making your head spin even more.

you were now fully unclothed and was about to step into the shower until you forgot something. you turned on your heel and as soon as you dud that you bumped into somebody causing both of you to stumble backwards. you looked at the person and your eyes widen.



mf this is pt 1 and i know i failed sso  but uh women world domination

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