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"Just let me tell my friend I'm leaving real quick, ok?" I said. He nodded in response. You quickly walked inside and found Sydney.

"Hey, I met this guy and hit it off, he wants me to go home with him." You whisper excitedly. Sydney's face instantly fills with worry.

"But what a-" You cut her off.

"He works for the FBI, he can't be a creep." You said confidently.

"I was gonna say what about Danny." She finishes gesturing to the drunken idiot grinding on strangers by the bar. You groan tilting your head back before flattening your hair and starting your way towards him.

"Hey Danny," You start. His hand instantly flies to your shoulder you glance at his hand uncomfortably. "I'm breaking up with you." You yell so he can hear you over the music.

"What?" He yells loudly.

"I'm breaking up with you." You say this time a bit louder than the first time. His face shows that he heard you, but he doesn't say anything. He just continues to dance with the brunette in front of him. You turn to walk away but he grabs your forearm pulling you back.

"You're just a slut y/n, and trust me when I say if you leave me, no one else is gonna want you. You're nothing but a good fuck." He growls. His eyes staring at you intensely. You feel tears sting your eyes, you jerk your arm out of his grip and quickly run out of the bar. You blink hard trying hard not to cry as to not look weak.

"Hey, hey y/n." Aaron says grabbing your arm. You jerk your arm free, pushing him away before stopping and turning around.

"I'm sorry I pushed you, I just broke up with my shit-faced boyfriend, and he grabbed my arm and called me a slut." You say finally letting the tears fall. He looked at you, concern lacing his face.

"You're not a slut." He says quietly. You sniff and for some reason burst out laughing. Confusion covers his face.

"I am. He's right I am a slut." You laugh, tears streaming down your face. "God, real cute right?" You laugh wiping your face. "I'm so sorry. I'm usually not like this."

"It's ok." He says after a moment. "I get it."

"I know I look like a slut," You say quietly, "And sometimes I act like one. But I don't want to be a slut." You say tucking your hair behind your ears on both sides. He surprises you by cupping your cheek with one hand. You look up at him pushing your eyebrows together in confusion. He wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumb.

"Then don't be." He says softly. "Come on, let's ride to my place, you're clearly not in a state to drive." He holds out his hand for you to take his hand. You take his hand and start to follow him towards his car.

"I'm not even drunk. I only had a rum and coke." You say starting to stumble.

"And?" He asks stifling a laugh.

"And three tequila shots. But I'm not drunk." You say defensively. You both walk around to the passenger seat of his car. He opens the door and helps you in. You buckle yourself up as he runs around and gets in the driver seat. It's a nice car. It's a 2020 black Toyota Camry, with a black leather interior.

"Comfortable?" He asks putting the car in drive and starting out of the parking place. You nod looking around the inside of the car. You notice how neat it is. Not a think out of place. Not a piece of trash in sight. You glance in the console and see cologne, hand sanitizer, and gum.

"Thank you." You say. He glances over at you before focusing back on the road.

"For what." He says still set on the road.

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