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During the friendly date between them the first place they went to was the arcade for a few hours, after that the two of them went to a fast food restaurant to eat. While the two of them ate it was silent before Amatae's phone went off. She excused herself as she went to answer her phone.

"Hello father." She said with a sigh

"Did you get your results in today?"

"I did, 90 in mathematics and history, 100 in everything else."

"You can do better than that."

"I couldn't study so I did what I could with what I had father. I'm sorry I don't live up to your expectations. I'm not Emilia nor am I mother!" She hissed out coldly

"Don't you dare talk about either one of those traitors! You are to get your grades up so you are number one got it!"

"Whatever, you can't do worse to me than this. I never wanted your stupid freakin' job anyways so if I don't have it then that's all well and fine." She hissed out before she hung up

When she went back inside to where Karma was he was leaning against the chair he was sitting in with his drink in hand. "Your father sounded like a douche." Karma stated

"So you did over hear me speak to him."

Karma shrugged. "I couldn't help it. Who's Emilia?"

"My elder twin sister-She and my mother moved out of the big place my father and I used to live in cause my mother had an argument over what to do with Emi and I...and well that ended up with them having a divorce and for Emilia immediately picking to be with our mother. I've been stuck faking myself cause of my father for so long...I'm so damn sick of it." Amatae said as she placed her head down on the table with her arms under her head

He patted the top of her head softly. "You can get through this, but I gotta say I don't understand why your father is so bent on you getting straight A's all the time."

"Eh, it's his way of knowing that I'm successful. He always had high marks and he expects his daughter to have the same damn thing."

"You're not him though, you should be able to live your life how you want to."

Amatae sat up as she looked to him. "I know that but he doesn't see it as my life, he sees me as the future of his stupid company-if I'm successful so will the company...apparently."

"That's shit, you shouldn't have to deal with that type of crap from him." Karma said leaning over the table

Amatae placed her hands around her soda before she sighed out. "I know that, but I do anyways. I've called my mother so many times pleading her to let me be where she is with Emilia. But she refuses to take me away from that man...I don't want to be known as useless. I don't want to end up marrying someone because of high power when I go back there." She said sadly

Karma rose an eyebrow at her. "Seriously-he's going to force you to marry someone you don't love?"

She nodded her head. "My ex-He is a very rich and powerful man in England. My father liked that I was with him...But I never cared for him. He never loved me, he never cared for my well being. The three times I was in a cast he never showed up at the hospital to see how I was. But I couldn't end our relationship-my father wouldn't let me. He would always threaten me in ways that I don't like to remember. It's why I act how I do-I'm so used to the pain and hurt...I just go with it."

Karma placed his hands over hers before he spoke up. "No one should be used to torment like that. Your father might have had a strong hold of you where you used to be. But you aren't there anymore- you don't have to listen to everything he says to you. Do what you want, be who you want to be."

Her red eyes widen as she looked up at him, her face was flushed a bit before she smiled at Karma. "Okay...If that's the case then there's one thing I really want to do that my father wouldn't like."

"Oh? What would that be?" Karma asked raising an eyebrow at her

She leaned over the table and kissed him on the lips softly. "I want to be with you." She said with a grin

Karma blinked a few times before he laughed at her. "You're joking right?"

She blinked her eyes a few times before she got her drink and held it tightly within her hand before she took the top of it off. She then poured it on top of Karma's head. "Jerk." She said before she walked off throwing the empty cup away.

She left while she placed on her headphones listening to 'The used' as she walked home, not hearing Karma calling for her to stop. She didn't stop until it was too late for her notice that a car was running a red light. She was hit and fell the ground. Karma made his way to where she was only to feel for a pulse, he soon got one which made him sigh out in relief before he called for an ambulance.

While he did he tried to get her to wake up or at least open her eyes. But she wouldn't, he felt a ton of bricks hit him after he got off of the phone. He then glared at the driver. "What the fuck is your problem running that damn light?! Are you fucking stupid!? You could have easily killed her!" Karma said pissed off

"I didn't know she'd be in the way! It's the stupid bitches fault for walking!"

"She isn't a bitch and she isn't stupid!" Karma said as he went up to the male who ran into Amatae "Listen here you're the one at fault here NOT HER! she did nothing fucking wrong!"

At that time the police and ambulance came by, Karma spoke with the police about what he saw happen as Amatae was taken into the ambulance van by a stretcher. After Karma was done talking with the Police he rode with Amatae to the ER. He stayed there with her over night until he knew what would become of her. By the next morning he found out that she was stable and awake, she was going to need a wheel chair for a bit due to fracturing her hip.

He was able to see her so he did without another word. When he got to her hospital room he saw that she was just sitting there with her phone in hand. "Amatae.."

"What the hell are you doing here jerk?" She asked coldly

"I...I came here with you to make sure you'd be okay."

"Why would it matter if I was okay or not?"

Karma came more into the room before he placed a hand on hers. "Because I was afraid that the asshole who ran you down killed you." He said before he knelt down and kissed her hand softly as tears threatened to leave his eyes.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"When you left me drenched in your soda I realized you weren't joking-that you weren't just tugging at my heart for no reason. That you were being serious...I...I want to be with you too Amatae." He said sadly

She finally looked to him sadly before she laced her fingers with his. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Instead of answering her with words he answered her by latching his lips to hers. Her red eyes widen before she kissed him back and closed her eyes moving her other hand to be on the side of his face. Karma soon parted from her as he smiled at her. "How's that for an answer?"

"I like that answer...I like it a lot." She said with a smile

"Good, so did the doctor ever tell you how long you're going to be here for?" Karma asked curiously

"Three nights minimum. After that I'll be checked out then probably discharged. After that I'll probably be getting one hell of an arm work out just going up to E class."

"What work out? Are you forgetting that you have an amazing boyfriend now?" Karma said as he pointed to himself.

"Seriously now? You're going to do what? Push me up the big freakin' hill every day and help me down it too?"

"Hm, I was thinking more on the lines of carrying you up and down from the hill." He said with a smirk

"W-What?! Are you crazy!?"

He chuckled as he smiled at her.

"Wait never mind I know the answer to that." She said as she shook her head

Blood lust or love [Karma Akabane love story]Where stories live. Discover now