"am i not allowed to?" donghyuck asked back and mark shrugged.

"no, i mean yes you are allowed to. i- ah nevermind." he shook his head and sat down on his bed. donghyuck sat himself next to him and took a deep breath. this was the first time he would do something like this so he was a bit unsure on how to act.

"i just wanted to thank you. you saved me yesterday and helped me fall asleep. as ridiculous as it sounds i really appreciate it. thanks." donghyuck said, his voice a bit raspy.

mark stared at him in surprise. it surely wasn't what the man had been expecting, donghyuck could tell that much. nevertheless mark gave him a small smile and said "you're welcome."

it wasn't much but it was enough for donghyuck. the latter's heart exploded at the sight of mark's smile and their shared eye contact. for a moment or two all donghyuck wanted was to hug mark. but he refrained from doing so and stood up from the bed. when he quickly looked at mark he saw that the older had put on his poker face once again. donghyuck frowned as he really liked to see mark smile. he tried to remember the sight, taking a mental picture. it was a sight he didn't want to miss out on. maybe he should try to get mark to smile more.

moving on from his thoughts donghyuck decided to already pack a few of his things so that later on he wouldn't have to. after he visited jeno and renjun and thanked them as well. both reassured him it was nothing and that's what friends were for. donghyuck also told them to maybe pack a few things too which they did. the time quickly passed until dinner where taeyong confirmed them that they would be moving. he allowed everyone two boxes to bring with them. one with clothes and other with personal stuff.

since donghyuck was already finished with packing he helped kun with his medical equipment. kun had to decide what was essential and what could be left behind. donghyuck joked that pretty much everything seemed essential and kun agreed with a frown. nevertheless the chinese man somehow managed to reduce the equipment. donghyuck noticed how anxious he seemed so he patted his back saying that it would be alright. kun gave him a smile and ordered him to bring one box outside already.

nct owned three cars and by the end of their packing session each trunk was filled to the brim. donghyuck squeezed himself into one car with renjun, jeno, mark and jaemin. they were the first to drive off, jaemin constantly reporting back to taeyong in case they got stopped again.

this time though nothing happened. in fact after a while jaemin grew so relaxed that he turned on the radio, him and everyone else in the car humming along to the songs that were playing.

arriving at chenle's huge mansion both jeno and renjun seemed stunned by the place. donghyuck remembered that the two of them had never been here. he hoped that they would get along with jisung and chenle as they were younger than any other mafia members. speaking of the two they were already waiting by the entrance door.

jisung helped donghyuck, mark and jaemin unpack while chenle showed jeno and renjun the house. the teo chinese boys were bonding quickly and donghyuck noticed a frown showing on jeno's face as the two happily chatted in chinese. that frown however disappeared when jaemin joined them, talking with jeno and making him laugh.

"jaemin really likes your friends." mark noted, nudging donghyuck who was watching his friends with a satisfied smile.

"yeah, i've noticed. i wonder why he likes the third wheeling. i for my part can't stand it when the two act all lovesick." donghyuck replied.

"oh, i get that." mark said with a dry chuckle.

"how so? you haven't been with the two that much, have you?" donghyuck questioned, raising his eyebrows. he was curious about what mark meant.

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