The One Where Chandler Has A Migraine

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Heyyy.. How you doin'?
I'm going to try my best to post as much as possible! Feel free to request anything!
"Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it."

Chandler POV
Today was going terrible so far, it couldn't possibly be any worse. To start, I was called in this morning three hours earlier than I was supposed to, I forgot coffee, I didn't sleep well, I got my tie stuck in the copier, and now I think I'm getting a migraine.

It was an earlyTuesday afternoon at my desk, I glanced at the clock; 1:12PM, 'Great just six more hours until I'm off..'
I felt a constant, painful pressure at the base of my neck and my temples as I continued to sit at my desk.

Eventually, the more I stared at my computer screen, the more my vision began to double and blur.
I squeezed my eyes shut as the constant pain began to shift from the base of my neck and head to the whole right side of my head, which affected my vision. Everything made me feel all dizzy and nauseous.

I sighed and covered my eyes with both hands and propped myself up at my desk, just sitting there for awhile. 'This cannot be happening...not now.. not right now.' I said mentally. I believe I sat there for about 15 minutes before I attempted to open my eyes. I breathed in and out slowly before uncovering my face and opening my eyes to continue work.
Instead, I was met by this nauseating, dizzying pain. It was just everywhere now. My head felt like it was in between a bench vise grip. The lights were blindingly bright but I managed to press the page button for my assistant.
"Yes, Mr. Bing?" My assistant's voice rang through my office with a very loud and obnoxious twang.
"C-Call my wife, please. Call-Call Monica. I need to get home. M-Migraine." My breathing was rough and I felt dizzy and nauseous. The right side of my head was throbbing and pounding. "Right away, boss." She said in a drawn-out, nasally voice.
I closed my eyes and rested my head on my desk, trying to breathe evenly.
After a minute or two, I felt something shift inside me. I felt liquid rising up my throat. "Ohh no.." I said shortly before lunging for my desk trash can. I clutched it weakly in my arms, scared to put it away, even though I only vomited three times. Three times was enough.

After about forty-five minutes, I swear I didn't hear anything because all I felt was someone small pulling me up slowly. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Monica.
That's also when I realized at some point I ended up on the floor in my office instead of in my chair how I remember.
"M-Mon," I scratched out, clearing my throat and then immediately grimacing because of the amount of force it took just to try to clear my throat. "I gotta go home.." I said slowly with my head in my hands. I think she grabbed something and then I felt her arms wrap around me. "I know honey, let's go home and go to bed." She whispered back to me softly. I nodded slowly and began to walk with her out of my office building.

We made it back to the apartment after a seemingly long taxi ride. The stairs were terrible but it was worth all of them. Monica opened the door and led me to the bedroom as she turned off lights one by one. She closed the curtains and got me some extra blankets. "How are you holdin' up sweetie?" She whispered to me. I nodded my head, "so far, s'good" I said slurring a bit. Last thing I remember before passing out is Mon stroking my back soothingly.

I wake up about 2 hours later and my head has gotten even worse.. the noise of the ticking clock now sounds like loud beating drums. I open my eye to see darkness which is extremely relieving. "Mon?" I sit up slowly to find I'm in an empty bed. I breathe in and out slowly before trying to move off the bed. I manage to stand up before being suddenly overwhelmed by extreme dizziness. I steadied myself back onto the bed, moaning loudly in pain. My head spun and throbbed and my stomach was doing flips.
Suddenly it felt like a hot iron was poking my right eye from inside my head and everything just went black. I grabbed the nearest thing I could grab to vomit in. The whole room spun and I sank down to the floor in pain.
The pain in my head came in waves and with every wave of pain came another wave of retching and throwing up. I clutched what felt like a hamper to my chest and waited for this pain to end or for me to die, which ever one came first. "M-monica-a..." I moaned out weakly before retching into the hamper, at least I think it's a hamper, as another wave of pain washed over me.

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