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Donnie crouched to the young reporter and began checking her vital signs as well as seeing if anything is broken. Out fo the four turtles he's the one who cares enough to check on someone's health to ensure there is nothing wrong with them. "Sorry, about that, ma'am..." He whispers to himself, still looking April over who was unconscious.

"You thought if you showed yourself, she'd calm down?" Raph chuckled at Mikey.

"What? I thought it might work but I guess it didn't." He replied, looking at the passed-out April. "Playing doctor, Don?" Mikey asked.

"She may have a head injury," Leo said.

"Uh, yeah, a hot chick who may have a head injury which makes it--" Mikey got nudged by his bigger brother for somewhat calling dibs on the human. He needed to learn a little bit of respect.

"Shush!" Leo grunted at him while Donnie tried waking up April.

"Ma'am, ma'am," Donnie snapped his fingers, seeing April's eyes open up. "Can you hear me? Do you know what city you're in? Do you know where you are?" He asked.

Raph scoffed at his brother's questions. "She didn't fall that hard, Don."

"W-What are you?" April questioned the four as her vision cleared up. From where she lay, she saw that each one was different. The young woman did her best to keep her cool or else she would be passing out for a second time.

"Well, miss, uh... we're ninjas," Leo answered, bowing his head respectfully.

"Mutants," Raphael says roughly from where he stood.

"Well, technically we're turtles," Donnie added in. removing his goggles from his eyes and placing them back on his forehead.

"And we're teenagers," Mikey said smoothly. "But we can still have adult conversations."

April stands up slowly, trying to process the information these new creatures gave her. Her life is already stressful as a young reporter who got out of college recently and now she is standing in front of these creatures she never thought could exist. "Wait, wait... So you're ninja mutant turtle teenagers?"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous," Donnie says to April.

O'Neil gulped, looking at the mutant turtles strangely.

"See?" Raph said out loud. "She's looking at us like we're freaks. I bet that's why you took our picture, wasn't it? To show your friends?"

While the brothers were trying to figure out the whole thing with April and her phone, Donnie turned his attention to his tablet. He brings it out from his pocket and turns on the monitors that are watching the lair. The camera is watching Osa.

She's still sitting in the beanbag with the tablet. But after a short moment, she got up and started wondering the lair by herself. "Awe, jeez..." Donnie mumbled, turning off his tablet and looking back at Leo. "Leonardo, if you wanna make it back before Master, we gotta hustle... And Rose." He gently says her real first name.

"Wh-What? Did you just say 'Rose'?" April asked quickly.

"So, what if he did?" Raph said rudely to April.

"Rosita," April said, feeling like she was getting another step closer to her friend, But how could these mutants know about Rose? "She's my friend, my roommate. You know where she is?" April wanted to confirm.

Don shakes his head to Leo, signaling him to not say anything to April.

Leo didn't answer April, he just came up to her as he gave the phone back. "Don't say a word about this to anyone. Because if you do, we will find you, April O'Neil." He shifts his gaze to his red masked brother on the edge of the building. "We're on the move, Raphael."

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '14) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷 ❪✓❫Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz