Chapter 12: Heartache

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At some point I fell asleep, but was plagued by nightmares of the slaughter again. It had been a long time since I had had these types of nightmares, but with my fight against Neji and my argument with Shikamaru those wounds were back in my mind.

When I woke up it was still dark out, I wasn't sure what time exactly but I could see it was a lighter darkness so most likely closer to sun rise.  I pushed myself into a sitting position which ached immensely. It took a minute for me to get use to the tight pain that came with every breath but eventually it went away. I pushed the covers away from me and went to stand, which made me wobble, the world was spinning as my stomach growled with hunger. I gripped the side of the bed in an attempt to keep from passing out. Once the wave of dizziness faded away I walked over to the window. I would have given nothing more to jump out and head somewhere away from here, but I could see Shikamaru's father out in the yard, asleep but keeping watch. He had been doing that before, but it seemed as if he had grown lax in the task, because he had stopped when the Chunin Exams started. It probably was because he was worried that I would take off after everything that happened between Shikamaru and I last night.

"Why am I even here?" I muttered to myself.

"You're awake." I turned sharply to see Shikamaru's mother standing there, fresh gauze in her hands.

"Uh yes ma'am..." I walked over to the bed once more so she could clean the blood from around my stitches and then apply fresh gauze to them. "Thank you..." I mumbled as she stood to leave.

"Of course and please don't worry too much about your fight with Shikamaru. He's stubborn like his father, but I know its because he cares about you." I gave her a weak smile.

"Thank you..." With that she left and I was left alone to think more. I laid back down as the sting from the wounds came back. My eyes drooped as my I felt myself falling back asleep.


A few more hours passed after I fell back asleep, when I woke up next I smelled food which made my stomach growl. I turned my attention to the door as I heard footsteps coming down the hall towards me. I shut my eyes again pretending to be asleep when I heard the door open. The smell of food filled the room as someone brought the food to the table beside my bed and then left. I waited until the footsteps faded away before opening my eyes. The food was mouthwatering as I sat up to inhale it. It was soft enough that it wouldn't cause any issues for my lungs but had enough favor to make it feel like any normal meal.

Once I finished I set the plate back on table and went to get up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I jumped as a voice came from the window. I looked over and saw Shikamaru standing there, he wasn't smiling or really looking at me.

"Why's that?" I flatly asked.

"Because we put your pain medicine in the food. The doctors said it would make you sleep."

"Ok." I laid back down and turned away from him. I heard him walk away and I felt the sadness make it's way into my chest. I didn't want to lose Shikamaru as a friend, but...

It's easier to let people go, then to watch them die...

I finished the thought and shut my eyes. That medicine kicked in fairly quick.

Shikamaru's POV

After taking Amaya's food to her I headed off to meet with Choji and Asuma. She was still cold to me after last night and I didn't really blame her. My dad had come to talk to me after the fact but I was still so frustrated that I completely ignored him.

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