Chapter 18: Mist Assassins

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They stood before me on the water, five in total, they looked to be Jonin.

"So why are assassins from the Mist after the Senju?" I asked calmly.

"Because of that special power that dwells within you. It will aid us against our enemies." I shook my head.

"I hate to disappoint you but I don't possess that power. I'm simply an Uchiha." They smirked.

"Don't try to hide it. We know she died to protect you. So why don't you just come quietly or we can kill you here either works." I pushed myself to my feet.

"I'm not really in a good mood, I would suggest you leave before you get hurt." My Sharingan appeared, but something felt different about it.

"You got guts for a little brat." One of them charged me. My eyes saw every move, I kicked him in the gut sending him flying back towards his friends. "Hmm seems you're stronger than you look, guess we'll have to take you on all at once." They charged me, my eyes followed each of them. However, their movements were skilled and well trained, I wasn't going to be able to beat all of them by myself.

Was this really how I was going to die? The same as my mother even though she gave her life so this didn't happen...

No! I refuse to let that happen!

The water shot up and grabbed each of them, flinging them away. I made my fire style hand signs.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!!" The flames headed straight for them and despite missing them the flames turned and collided with two of them as if my will alone was driving them. The two that it had collided with laid in the water burnt to a crisp.

"So this is the power of the's different from her mother's. It's stronger." The three glared at me. I could feel the chakra willing itself. I wasn't sure how I knew how to do this but I did.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Tiger Blade!" The lightning swirled in my hand, I remembered the technique from when Sasuke fought Gaara. I rushed across the water towards them. They started using water style to stop me but my Sharingan enabled me to avoid them and I slammed the lightning into one of their chests. Blood covered my hand as I pulled away, watching him collapse.

"Amaya!!" I heard Lady Tsunade's voice from behind me. "Who the hell are you all?!" She demanded of them as she came to stand at my side.

"We have no business with you. Hand over the girl and we will leave." The leader spoke.

"Like hell I will. This is my niece why the hell would I listen to you bastards?!" She cracked her knuckles.

"They're the ones who killed my mother." I told her.

"All the more reason to kick their butts, but we need the leader alive." She stated.

"I understand leave that to me." I muttered and made the hand signs for my genjutsu. My eyes focused on the leader and he collapsed to his knees, while Lady Tsunade punched the other one in the gut.

Such incredible strength. No wonder she's the Hokage.

Several of the Anbu appeared a few moments after.

"Take the leader to Ibiki. The others need to be disposed of." Lady Tsunade ordered and in seconds they were all gone with the bodies of the assassins. I panted with exhaustion as my body collapsed. "Amaya!" She caught me before I could hit the ground. "I know Iya would have been so proud of you." She whispered as my mind went black.


Shikamaru's POV

I worried after Amaya walked out, she looked so depressed after learning about her mother. I wanted to follow her but Asuma was right she needed time to herself to figure things out. I can always talk to her when I go home later.

Or that's what I thought when Lady Tsunade came into the restaurant with a grim look on her face.

"Can I speak with all of you? Somewhere more private." She asked gently. We paid and she led us to my house.

"This has something to do with Amaya doesn't it?" I asked.

"Yes..." She looked down.

"The assassins came for her. Just as her mother feared." I froze in shock.

"What?! Is she alright?!" I demanded, losing my calm demeanor was rare but when it came to Amaya...

"She's okay she was able to stop three of them. I sent the final one packing. The leader of the group was captured using her genjutsu and his being questioned as we speak." She explained.

"And Amaya?" I pressed.

"She's resting. She awakened her Senju powers so suddenly that it's taken a toll on her body. She has a high fever and is asleep." I frowned.


"Where did these assassins come from?" Asuma questioned now.

"The Hidden Mist."

"I she ended up killing three of them?"

"She didn't have a choice. They were here to kill her. But I know the Mist won't take it that way...for now all we can hope for is that they understand that they put one of our members in a no win situation and there is no need for compensation for those deaths."

"You're right." He nodded.

"Can we see her?" Choji asked.

"Of course, but I will ask that you be brief with your visit she is not in the best shape to be talking." We followed her inside and to her room where my dad was watching over her. Her face was flushed and I could see the sweat dripping down her forehead. Her breathing was ragged too.

"Amaya..." I muttered as Choji and Asuma went to her side. I hung back as they would have to leave eventually I lived here and could see her whenever I wanted.

"You care about her?" Lady Tsunade asked quietly from beside me. I gave a small nod. "She's a very strong girl. She never backed down, she fought them with everything she had. Despite the fact she could have sought revenge she didn't she allowed for the capture of the leader. She has true strength. Not many could do what she did today." She explained.

"I know. Amaya's strength is unbelievable. She is both physically and mentally strong, despite everything she's been through." I muttered back.

"They were the same ones that killed her mother...she is going to need you there when she wakes up."

"I know..." and that was the end of our conversation as she walked over to Amaya herself. I could see it was hurting her to see her niece like this.

I will protect you. I won't let you be alone anymore, I promised that to you when we started dating.

"Hey guys..." suddenly her soft voice cut through my thoughts.

"Amaya!" Choji smiled.

"Sorry if I caused you guys to worry. I'll be okay." She smiled softly.

Even now she can still find a reason to smile.

I walked over to her finally and smiled down at her.

"Glad to see you awake." She gave a small nod. She looked at Tsunade.

"How is the interrogation going?"

"Nothing yet but Ibiki is the best of the best he'll get what we need." She reassured her.

"Lady Tsunade..." she muttered.

"What is it?"

"I know the Mist Village will be upset. If...I have to die for what I've done I don't mind. I've avenged my mother's death. And once I die the Sharingan Ruby will be freed from me and placed in better protection." To hear those words broke me. She was accepting her own death.

"Don't you dare talk like that!" She yelled at her. "Your life is precious, don't go throwing it away!" She frowned and I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Lady Tsunade, I'll look after her don't worry. She's not dying on us, whether she's accepted it or not." I stated.

"Then I entrust her to you."

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