Part 8: The Mission

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3rd Person POV

Izuku was currently tailing the man he was supposed to knock out. The man was fairly tall, spiky black hair, ocean eyes and a scar across the bottom half of his face. The wind was cold and his steps could be heard in the silent night.  Muffled whistling could be heard and that was all Izuku could hear before he sped his pace catching up to the man in front. he went past him bumping into him slightly.

Dabi: "Oi! Watch it!"

Izuku swung his hand to hit him a solid right hook before grabbing both his shoulders and kneeing him in his stomach. He hit the ground and Izuku held him by his hair and kicked his pressure point on his neck a little too hard but it caused him to knock out. He whistled when he was done.

Katsuki heard a faint whistle and jumped down the building with Kirishima and Kaminari at his side. They took in the sight in front them. Izuku was unscathed while the dude on pavement looked almost dead.

Izuku: "Heh..."

Kirishima: "I-Is he dead?"

Izuku: "Maybe..."

We turned a corner and sure enough there was a door that led us to an underground base . It smelled awful, it reeked off alcohol, there were papers scattered all over, there a shredded couch in the middle with a slightly broken TV, there were piles of platters and cups in an area they could only assume was a kitchen and that's when a knife flew by Izuku's face only missing him by an inch. In front stood a blonde girl, her hair in two messy buns and her face in a creepy smile.

Toga: "Awh, I missed. You try shiggy!"

Next to her stood a guy, with hands all over his body, his faded blue hair was a mess and his clothes were ripped. He lurched himself onto Katsuki trying to put his hands around his throat but failed when Katsuki dug his knee into his stomach causing him to stumble away. He jumped on Katuki and knocked his elbow on the blonde's head causing his to go unconscious. We didn't have enough time to react when the blonde girl grabbed two knives and flung them in their direction making a slight slash in Izuku's face and a rip in his suit. The blue haired guy tackled Kirishima to the floor and wrapped his hands around Kirishima's wrist. Kirishima hissed when he felt a sting in his arms but quickly pulled them away and hit the guy a right hook and kicked him off. Kaminari had used the time to sneak up behind the blonde but was unsuccessful as she stabbed him in his foot. Katsuki was knocked out from his first attack, Kirishima's wrist was surely broken and Kaminari was injured. It was up to Izuku to save them.

Izuku took out his knives and flung them at the blue haired man who dodged them almost effortlessly. While he was distracted Izuku made his way to the blond girl and tackled to her the ground. He pinned her arms above her head and as he was to knock her out he felt hands on his waist and he was pulled off. He was loosing time, Kirishima came to help but was thrown against the wall and was now bleeding severely. The blonde stabbed Izuku's right foot while Izuku's face was pushed down into someone's knee. The impact left him stunned but he quickly recovered and swung his arm to make contact with the blue haired man's face. He staggered back and Izuku took this time to power up. He grabbed the two people behind their necks and knocked them together face first. They fell to the ground clutching their head and Izuku pulled the blonde's hair and flung her against the counter on the kitchen and took the other person by his arm, swinging him around, he pushed him into the wall. They both lay limp on the floor as Izuku struggled to keep standing. He weakly made his way over to his friend. He knew what was gonna happen. He took Kaminari and placed his hands on his shoulder while Izuku gripped his waist. Kaminari was in and out of consciousness because of the loss of blood, Izuku took him outside where he saw the other who were now making their way in, they looked bruised up and some were limping. They rushed to Kaminari while others made their way in for the Katsuki and Kirishima. Izuku was tried, bloody but most of all, numb. He couldn't feel anything as his vision turned spotty and he was swallowed into darkness. 

The class didn't know what happened, this was supposed to be fairly easy mission. So where did it go wrong? The plan was perfect, since it was only the black haired guy they were supposed to deal with, they only sent a few comrades to take him down. They figured out that he owned two bases and the rest of the class would take the bigger base which was a fair distance from the smaller base. But they were ambushed as soon as they entered. Guards flooded the room and had managed to restrain some off them for a few minutes. That was until Todorki had managed to freeze the floor making the guards lose balance. They took the opportunity to tie them down however not without a little fight. When they were done they checked the building but to no avail, they didn't find a single thing that was helpful. Only papers upon papers that held no value to the mission. They were about to leave when a brown haired person showed up already tackling two people to the ground. Mina squirted her acid but he dodged and she was shoved to the ground. The man was already onto another person. He was fast but no match for the several students he was currently fighting. While he was distracted by Momo, Todoroki sent flames and a yelp was heard as he turned around to face Todoroki. Momo was ready, when he turned around she yanked on his hair causing him to stumble back and dug her knee into his spine as Asui wrapped him up with ropes and knocked him out. They made their way down town where the other base was located only to be met with a severely injured greenette and a bloody Kaminari. They rushed to their side, Momo shouting instructions for some people to check inside as there was no sign off Katsuki and Kirishima while the rest came and attended to the pair of boys in front of them.

The teacher's were called and sent to investigate the room while everyone was sent to the hospital to tend to their wounds. The heroes safely made it inside the base where they found the two people who were proven dead and carefully advanced into the house unaware of anything inside. It had taken all of 1 hour to scour the house and found everything they needed before they retreated to UA where the students were recovering. 

When the heroes arrived, they headed straight for the hospital wing of the school. Upon entering, most students sat up on their beds, heads turning to the heroes, only Kaminari and Izuku laid still. The heroes walked to middle of the room and sighed. He didn't think the mission would fail so horribly. Sure they had gotten the information but at what cost? Most of the students had sustained multiple injuries and two of their students had gotten far worse than a few cuts and bruises. The heroes just wanted to check up on them and were about to exit the room when the nurse came in and explained everyone's condition. None were bad, except for Izuku. Everyone was listening and some paled by the mention of Izuku's wound. The greenette not only had suffered cut and bruises, but he had received a stab wound on his arm and was expected to wake up in a few days because of his overuse of power while he had injuries. He was expected to wake up in a few days, not hours, not minutes, days...

A/N: Hi there! I tried my best but I'm not good at fight scenes. I hope this was good, I know it's short but I tried my best :(

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