Part 4: The Call pt. 2

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~Izuku's POV~

When kacchan came over I wasn't expecting him to comfort me. While we were embracing, I had time to think. All the memories came flooding in. All the times we spent at malls, movies, parks, all the kitchen disasters we had, all the fights we had because of her overworking. I can't stay here anymore. It's like whenever I'm at the surface of the water, something always drags ,me down. And I can't take it anymore. I'm tired of drowning in my endless river of tears.


"H-hey sho..."

I broke down,

Sho: "Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?!"

Izuku: "They *hic* she *hic* I*hic*..."

Inko: "It'll be okay. Let me bandage you."

Izuku: "O-okay mommy..."

Not this...

Inko: "Hey baby! How are you feeling?"

Izuku: "Better!"


Inko: "Sh...everything's alright..."

No. it's not! Stop it!

Inko: "Izuku! Dinner's ready!"




I blacked out and when I opened my eyes I was there again, on my back underneath the water with no light. I didn't try to escape, I just smiled and lay there...but something was different. I felt something shift next me. I turn and I see him, an orange haired boy with brown round eyes and he's shining. So bright that when I reached forward that was all I saw...

I woke up gasping for air and drenched in sweat. I looked around, nothing. Everything's still here and I'm alright. Then what the hell was that dream...

Wait. Sho, SHO! I scramble for my phone and see forty-five missed call and a bunch of text from Sho. Guess I blacked out again. I sigh dialing his number.

Sho: "Izuku?! Omg, are you okay?! You had me worried! What happened? Are you hurt? Do you need help? Is it serious?"

Izuku: "Calm down. I'm fine..."

Sho: "Are you sure? Cause it didn't sound like it..."

At this point I was silently crying over the phone but I managed,

Izuku: "Mom's *sniffles* she just *sniffles..."

Sho: "Calm down and breathe."

Izuku: "She's gone. Mom's gone, she's dead..."

That was all I managed to say until I started crying again,

Sho: "W-what? N-no! Y-YOU'RE LYING TO ME!"

He's crying too,

Sho: "She wouldn't just leave!!"

Izuku: "I *hic* I didn't even *hic* I couldn't *hic* I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I JUST SAT THERE WATCHING HER SUFFER!*hic* Sh-she looked s-so pale and brittle. I just stood there...o-on the other side of the door...W-WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW HUH?! I-I CAN'T D-DO THIS! I STILL NEED HER! I-I TOLD HER HOLD ON F-FOR ME! W-Why didn't she hold on Sho...? Why didn't she..."

We just sat there in silence over the phone, crying. 

Izuku: "I-I gotta g-go now..."

Sho: "Call me tomorrow okay..."

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