"There's a paper taped to the door, just a second." She undoes her seatbelt and slides from the car.

After a couple seconds reading the paper she jog backs, "I guess there's no yoga today, there was a gas leak yesterday and they are still working on fixing everything."

"Well, okay then, want to just go back to my house for a while? Then we can find some breakfast and head into the studio?"

"I'm going wherever you take me." She smiles.

"Perfect." I grin, turning back out of the lot and heading off towards my house, excited to spend the morning cuddling with Izzy and ignoring everything else.

Izzy's POV

"This is the studio." Ash smiles, parking his car in a small lot behind a rather boring looking building.

"And you're sure you won't get in trouble for bringing me with you?"

"I won't. The other girlfriends come all the time. Come on, Cal is going to be excited to see you again. And everyone else needs to get a chance to meet you." He smiles, pulling my large backpack from the backseat and slinging it over his arm.

"I can carry my own shit." I laugh, jogging around the car to meet him.

"Na, I can carry it in for you. What do you have in here anyway? Bricks?"

"Books. And a laptop. I know it's a bit heavy but I have a large work load. That's why I said I could carry it."

"It's heavy for a book bag, Iz, it's not heavy though. I'm fine." He chuckles, holding the door open for me to pass in front of him. The moment we make it into the small building I can hear yelling and laughter from down the hallway.

"Sounds like everyone is in a good mood, so even better for having them meet you." Ash grins, taking my hand and nearly dragging me towards the noise.

"Hey, guys!" Ashton yells as we walk through a doorway into a large room, instruments and computers set up all over.

"Izzy! I didn't know you were coming today!" Calum grins, hurrying towards us.

"I had a day off, and those are few and far between for the next four months." I shrug, hugging him when he pulls me in.

"Welcome to 5sos craziness. Please enjoy." He chuckles.

"Here," Ashton pulls me behind his drum kit, setting my bag against a blank part of the wall. "This will be a good place for you to study, out of the way and with a wall to lean against."

"Except when I get distracted watching you on the drums." I smirk, pulling my bag off his shoulder.

"That is not my fault. And I won't be on them too much until later. We are working on final tracking for the album songs. So unless we have to retrack some of the drums you'll be good for a few hours."

"Not sure if that is a good thing. I was kind of looking forward to watching you practice."

He rolls his eyes at me, "Study now, while we do the boring part of this, and watch later when I am practicing."

"Deal," I chuckle, setting my bag on the ground and moving to sit, only to be pulled up by my arm.

"Don't you dare sit your ass down without giving me a kiss first." He laughs.

"Maybe I don't want to." I smirk.

"Liar." He laughs again, pecking my lips softly before turning to head towards the rest of his band. I can't help but notice the others glancing at me from the corner of their eyes. Suddenly I feel very unwelcome...

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